10:20. Color designation of wires
The contact "15" is energized only at the included ignition (the key in the lock is in situation "II"), at the same time out of coils of ignition those consumers who have to receive tension only at the working engine are provided with current. Wires on contacts "15" have a black braid, sometimes with addition of color strips for certain units.
The contact "15R" designates contacts which have to function at the provision of a key "I" and "II", and also at inclusion of a starter. A braid, as a rule, black with additional strips.
The contact "30" constantly is energized from the battery or at the working engine — from the generator. Therefore at careless handling of the tool on it short circuits or sparking are possible if the negative plug is not removed from the battery. The brought wires are current carrying and have, as a rule, a red braid, if necessary with addition of additional strips of other color.
The contact "30a" constantly is energized from a positive pole of the battery through a safety lock. Usually through it blocks of memory of codes of malfunctions of controllers are connected.
Contact "31" – "weight" through which consumers are connected to "mass" of the car for short circuit of a chain. Wires have a brown braid.
The contact "49" is responsible for system of indexes of turn and the alarm system. Color of wires — black-green with additional strips of other color.
The contact "50" – through it at start-up moves tension on a starter. Primary color of wires — violet.
The contact "53" is responsible for a screen wiper.
The contact "56" is responsible for giving of tension on headlights of passing beam through wires of yellow color and on high beam headlamps through wires of white color.
The contact "58" is responsible for parking and dimensional light, and also illumination of registration plate. Primary color of a braid of wires — gray, everyone with an additional strip of other color.
The contact "61" is responsible for a control lamp of charging ("D+"), color of a wire — blue.
The contact "87" is powered usually, as well as contact "15", but via the relay, for example, of protection against an overstrain.
Contact sockets of wires
For a long time, according to the statistics of ADAC, the separated contact sockets were one of the most frequent reasons of malfunctions, and practically all cars. Against this trouble which happens especially often after six years of operation Mercedes applied several innovations. First of all, in the car many expensive silvered round plugs are used. Shtekerny combs have additional mechanical protection. It is clear, that for separation of connections this protection has to be surmountable. Therefore it either a bracket, or two side latches which should be squeezed for separation of the contact socket. Some plugs are supplied with rotary or spring clamps. Whenever possible contact sockets and devices are well protected from moisture.
Power wires of the rechargeable battery
Fig. 9.37. At the removed upholstery are visible the power wire (1) of space for the driver's legs going from the rechargeable battery; a shaft (2) of a steering wheel with the extender for an adjustable steering column; red shtekerny connection (3) to a safety cushion
For leading of current from the battery installed behind in a motor compartment the red power wire with the section of the big area (fig. 9.37) is connected to the positive plug of the battery. Further it passes in thick (50 mm2) the black wire laid on the driveshaft tunnel and comes to an end with 3-contact connection (X4) around an accelerator pedal.
From there wires go to a starter and other knots, to the ignition lock, the block of safety locks, the lighting module, the generator, system of heating and contact of a prikurivaniye (X 12/3) in a motor compartment. Also the condenser (C2) for suppression of hindrances is installed in the contact socket.