357217bd 357217bd

10.23.1. Symbols on electric circuits

1–5/6       Sensor of provision of a bent shaft of the ERE/EVE systems
220/1       The screen in isolation
237/2       Conclusion of the tire of data of CAN (low)
27/24       Conclusion of contact "87"
27/25       A conclusion of contact "87" without safety lock (Motronik/module of the relay)
825/2       The sensor of the established ERE/EVE value
A1       Combination of devices
A16       blow Sensor
A16/1       blow Sensor 1 left
A16/2       blow Sensor 2 right
A1e1       Control lamp of the index of the left turn
A1e11       Alarm lamp of level of cooling liquid
A1e12       Alarm lamp of level of oil
A1e13       the Alarm lamp of level of liquid in a windscreen washer tank
A1e14       Alarm lamp of failure of lamps
A1e15       Control/alarm lamp of a safety cushion and natyazhitel of belts
A1e16       Control lamp of the device of an incandescence
A1e17       Control lamp of ABS
A1e2       Control lamp of the right index of turn
A1e21       Alarm lamp of ASR
A1e22       Control lamp of ASR
A1e27       Alarm lamp of the ADS system of a suspension bracket
A1e3       Control lamp of driving beam
A1e35       Control lamp of ETS
A1e36       Alarm lamp of ETS
A1e37       the Alarm lamp of level of working liquid in the hydraulic booster of a steering urpavleniye
A1e4       Alarm lamp of a reserve of fuel
A1e44       Illumination of the multifunctional index, white
A1e45       Illumination of the multifunctional index, red
A1e5       Control lamp of charging / alarm lamp of the generator
A1e6       Alarm lamp of the index of wear of brake shoes
A1e7       Alarm lamp of level of brake liquid / parking brake
A1e8       Illumination of a combination of devices
A1e9       Alarm lamp of seat belts
A1h1       the Warning signal
A1p1       Index of temperature of cooling liquid
A1p2       Index of level of fuel
A1p4       Index of external temperature
A1p5       Sensor of frequency of rotation of a bent shaft
A1p6       Electronic clock
A1p8       Electronic speedometer
A1r1       Rheostat of brightness of illumination of a combination of devices
A2       Radio tape recorder
A2/29       Radio tape recorder and APS navigation system
A2/30       APS Navigation system
A26/7       the Reception sensor of infrared DU behind a rear-view mirror in salon
A32       Mechanism of adjustment of air streams of system of heating
A32m1       fan Electric motor
A32n1       Regulator of frequency of rotation of the fan
A37       the Pneumatic operating mechanism (PSE), the mixed functions
A42b2       Sensor left average, front bumper
A42b3       Sensor left internal, front bumper
A42b4       Sensor right internal, front bumper
A42b5       Sensor right average, front bumper
A42b6       Sensor right external, front bumper
A43       Blok of sensors of the Parktronic (PTS) system, rear bumper
A43b10       Sensor left external, rear bumper
A43b7       Sensor right external, rear bumper
A43b8       Sensor right internal, rear bumper
A43b9       Sensor left internal, rear bumper
A44/1       Signalling device of the Parktronic (PTS) system, dashboard at the left
A44/3       Signalling device of the Parktronic (PTS) system, ceiling lamp behind
A44/4       Signalling device of the Parktronic (PTS) system, dashboard in the middle
A45       Contact spiral of a sound signal / safety cushion
A45x2       Shtekerny socket of a contact spiral / relay of a sound signal
A50       Taximeter
A51       the Sensor of system of adjustment of light of headlights on the back bridge
A52       the Sensor of system of adjustment of light of headlights on the forward bridge
A6       Heater / additional heater
A7/3m1       TNVD/pump of the return giving
A7/3y10       Magnetic valve back left, deduction of pressure
A7/3y11       Magnetic valve back left, dumping of pressure
A7/3y12       Magnetic valve back right, deduction of pressure
A7/3y13       Magnetic valve back right, dumping of pressure
A7/3y14       Magnetic valve of the return giving
A7/3y15       Magnetic valve of an admission
A7/3y16       Magnetic valve, forward bridge
A7/3y17       Magnetic valve, back bridge
A7/3y18       the Switching valve, the forward bridge
A7/3y19       the Switching valve, the back bridge
A7/3y5       the Switching magnetic valve
A7/3y6       Magnetic valve forward left, deduction of pressure
A7/3y7       Magnetic valve forward left, dumping of pressure
A7/3y8       Magnetic valve forward right, deduction of pressure
A7/3y9       Magnetic valve forward right, dumping of pressure
B10/1       heat exchanger Sensor
B10/4       temperature Sensor in salon
B10/4b1       temperature Sensor
B10/4m1       Fan
B10/4x1       the Contact socket of the sensor of temperature in salon
B11       Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
B17       the air temperature Sensor on an admission
B19       temperature Sensor in catalytic converter
B19/1       the Contact socket of the sensor of temperature in catalytic converter
B2/5       air volume Sensor
B24/2       Sensor of cross acceleration
B24/3       acceleration Sensor, forward left
B24/4       acceleration Sensor, forward right
B24/6       acceleration Sensor, back right
B28       pressure Sensor
B28/3       ARF course Sensor
B34       pressure Sensor in the ESP brake system
B38       rain Sensor
B4       Sensor of the index of level of fuel
B6/1       Hall's Sensor, camshaft
C2       Suppression of hindrances, generators/wires of the rechargeable battery
CZ7       Conclusion of contact "30"
E1       Blok of lighting left
E18/1       Illumination of a luggage carrier
E1e1       Driving beam
E1e3       Dimensional/parking light
E1e8       Passing beam, xenon headlights
E1m1       Electric motor of the proofreader of headlights
E1n1       Control unit, xenon headlights
E1n2       Starting arrangement, xenon headlights
E2       Blok of lighting right
E25/3       the Lamp in salon, a back left rack (T)
E25/4       the Lamp in salon, a back right rack (T)
E2e1       Driving beam
E2e3       Dimensional/parking light
E2e8       Passing beam, xenon headlights
E2m1       Electric motor of the proofreader of headlights
E2n1       Control unit, xenon headlights
E2n2       Starting arrangement, xenon headlights
E3       Tail left dimensional light
E3e5       Tail fog light
E4       Tail right dimensional light
E4e5       Tail fog light
F1       Blok of safety locks and relay
F1–1       Safety lock 1, contact "15R"
F1–10       Safety lock 10, contact "15"
F1–11       Safety lock 10, contact "15"
F1–12       Safety lock 12, contact "15R"
F1–13       Safety lock 13, contact "15R"
F1–14       Safety lock 14, 56b plug
F1–15       Safety lock 15, contact "15"
F1–16       Safety lock 16, contact "15"
F1–17       Safety lock 17, contact "30"
F1–18       Safety lock 18, reserve
F1–19       Safety lock 19, contact "15"
F1–2       Safety lock 2, contact "15R"
F1–20       Safety lock of an overload 20, contact "30"
F1–21       Safety lock 21, reserve
F1–22       Safety lock 22, contact "15R"
F1–23       Safety lock 23, contact "15R"
F1–24       Safety lock 24, contact "15R"
F1–25       Safety lock 25, contact "30"
F1–26       Safety lock 26, reserve
F1–3       Safety lock 3, contact "15R"
F1–4       Safety lock 4, contact "30"
F1–5       Safety lock 5, contact "30"
F1–6       Safety lock 6, contact "30"
F1–7       Safety lock 7, contact "15"
F1–8       Safety lock 8, contact "15X"
F1–9       Safety lock 9, contact "30"
F4       Socket of safety locks, back
F4–1       Safety lock 1, contact "30"
F4–10       Safety lock 10, contact "30"
F4–11       Safety lock 11, contact "30"
F4–12       Safety lock 12, contact "30"
F4–13       Safety lock 13, contact "30"
F4–14       Safety lock 14, contact "30"
F4–15       Safety lock 15, contact "30"
F4–16       Safety lock 16, contact "30"
F4–17       Safety lock 17, contact "30"
F4–18       Safety lock 18, contact "30"
F4–19       Safety lock of an overload 19, contact "30"
F4–2       Safety lock 2, contact 30
F4–20       Safety lock of an overload 20, reserve
F4–3       Safety lock 3, contact "30"
F4–4       Safety lock 4, contact "30"
F4–5       Safety lock 5, contact "30"
F4–6       Safety lock 6, contact "30"
F4–7       Safety lock 7, contact "30"
F4–8       Safety lock 8, contact "30"
F4–9       Safety lock 9, contact "30"
G1       Rechargeable battery
G2       Generator
G3/1       Lambda probe
G3/1x1       Contact socket lambda probe
H2       Sound signal
K26/2       of the Relay of switching of the pump of a washer
K40       relay Module
K40/6       Safety lock of a sound signal
K40f1       ETS/ASR/ESP Safety lock
K40f5       Safety lock of the fuel pump
K40f6       Safety lock of a sound signal
K40k1       of the Relay of the fuel pump
       Engine Relay K40k2, contact "87", without safety lock
       EFP Relay K40k3
K40k4       of the Relay of a sound signal
K40k5       of the Relay of electronic system of trekshn-control (ETS)/ASR
K40k6       of the Relay of the air pump
       Engine Relay K40k7, contact "87", HFM
       EDC system Relay K40k8
K52       of the Relay of switching off of back fog lamps
       Closing Relay K54
L11       transponder Coil
L5       Sensor of provision of a bent shaft
L5/6       Sensor of provision of the bent shaft ERE/EVE
L5/6x1       Contact socket of the sensor of provision of the bent shaft ERE/EVE
L6/1       rotation frequency Sensor, forward left
L6/2       rotation frequency Sensor, forward right
L6/3       rotation frequency Sensor, back left
L6/3x1       Contact socket of the sensor of frequency of rotation, back left
L6/4       rotation frequency Sensor, back right
L9       needle Motion sensor
L9x1       Contact socket of the motion sensor of a needle
M1       Starter
M12/1       the Hatch in a roof
M12/1k1       of the Relay of 1 hatch
       Relay M12/1k2 2 hatches
M12/1m1       hatch Electric motor
M12/1s1       Terminal opening microswitch
M12/1s2       Terminal microswitch "up"
M12/1s3       Terminal microswitch "down"
M12/1s4       Terminal closing microswitch
M13       circulation Pump
M15       Pump ASR/ESP
M16/1       Actuation device of an electronic accelerator (EFP)/cruise control (TMP)/adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
M16/1k1       Electromagnetic coupling
M16/1m1       adjustment Electric motor
M16/1r1       Potentiometer of the actual value
M16/1r2       Potentiometer of the actual value
M16/1s1       Switch of additional contact
M16/1s2       Switch of additional contact of idling
M16/1x1       Contact socket of the actuation device of an electronic accelerator (EFP)/cruise control (TMP)/adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
M16/2       Actuation device cruise control (TMP)/adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
M16/2k1       Electromagnetic coupling
M16/2m1       adjustment Electric motor
M16/2r1       Potentiometer of the actual value of a butterfly valve
M16/2r2       Potentiometer of the actual value of the drive
M16/2s1       Switch of additional contact
M16/2s2       idling definition Switch
M16/2x1       Contact socket of the actuation device cruise control (TMP)/adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
M16/6       Actuation device of adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
M16/6m1       adjustment Electric motor
M16/6r1       Potentiometer of actual position of a butterfly valve
M16/6r2       Potentiometer of the actual value of the drive
M21/4       the External rear-view mirror, left, with electric adjustment, heating, memory
M21/5       the External rear-view mirror, right, with electric adjustment, heating, memory
M3       Fuel pump
M33       Air pump
M5/1       washer Pump
M6/1       screen wiper Electric motor
M6/4       Electric motor of a screen wiper of a back door
N10–1       Multipurpose control unit
N14/2       Final step of an incandescence
N15/3       EGS Controller
N18       Control unit and adjustments of system of heating (HAU)
N19       Control unit and adjustments of the conditioner
N2/2       Controller of natyazhitel of belts (GUS) and safety cushion (AB)
N22       Control unit and adjustments of climate control (KLA)
N3/10       Controller of electronics of the engine (ME)
N3/4       Controller of system of injection (HFM)
N3/7       ERE Controller
N3/8       EVE Controller
N32/1       the Control unit of adjustments of a front left seat, with memory
N32/2       the Control unit of adjustments of a front right seat, with memory
N4/3       Control unit cruise control (TMP)/adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling (LLR)
N47–1       ASR/PML Controller
N47–2       ETS/PML Controller
N47–5       ESP/PML Controller
N49       Sensor of provision of a steering wheel
N51       ADS Control unit
N54       Control unit of infrared DU (IFZ)
N54/1       Control unit of infrared system of the admission of anticreeping system
N62       Control unit of the Parktronic (PTS) system
N64       ESP rotation speed Sensor
N65       Clock module (ETS, SRA, EDW, KLA)
       Immobilizer Relay N65k2
N65k4       of the Relay of the TNVD/pump of the return giving
N7–1       lighting Module
N71       Control unit of the proofreader of headlights
N76       Control unit of the additional fan / приточным electric fan
R25/2       the Sensor of the established ERE/EVE value
R25/2r1       the Potentiometer of the sensor of the preset value
R25/2s1       Contact switch of idling
R3       the Lighter with illumination of an ashtray, ahead
R3e1       Lighting
R3r1       Heating element
R3x1       Contact socket of the lighter
       Glow plug R9
S10/1       Contact sensor of wear of overlays of brake shoes, forward left
S10/2       Contact sensor of wear of overlays of brake shoes, forward right
S10/4       Contact sensor of wear of overlays of brake shoes, back right
S11       Switch of a control lamp of level of brake fluid
S12       Switch of a control lamp of the parking brake
S13/2       Switch of the electric drive of the hatch (SHD)
S15       Switch of remote opening of a luggage carrier
S16/1       Switch of an immobilizer and lamp of a backing
S16/10       transfer definition Switch
S16/10s1       backing lamp Switch
S16/6       kick-down Switch
S17/3       Contact switch of a door, forward left
S17/4       Contact switch of a door, forward right
S17/5       Contact switch of a door, back left
S17/6       Contact switch of a door, back right
S17/8       Switch of illumination of a luggage carrier
S2       start-up Switch
S26/1       Termovklyuchatel of heating of a screen wiper
S29/3       Contact switch of idling
S35       Switch of the resonant inlet gas pipeline
S35/1       Switch of the resonant inlet pipeline
S4       the Combined switch
S4/2       Switch of a sound signal
S4/2x1       Contact socket of a sound signal
S40       inclusion Button cruise control
S40/3       coupling pedal Switch
S40s2       Delay/fixing
S40s3       Acceleration/fixing
S40s4       Switching off
S40s5       control Contact
S40s1       the Call from memory
S40x1       Contact socket of the button of inclusion cruise control (TMP)
S41       Switch of a control lamp of level of cooling liquid
S42       the Switch of a control lamp of level of liquid in a windscreen washer tank
S43       Switch of a control lamp of level of oil
S45/1       Switch of the comfort/sport modes of the ADS system
S4s3       Switch of passing beam
S4s4       the screen wiper Switch with a delay
S4s5       screen wiper Switch
S4x1       the Contact socket of the combined switch
S6/1       Group of switches of a driver's seat
S6/1s2       Switch of the central blocking from within
S6/1s3       Switch of back head restraints
S68/9       Switch of the lock of a belt of safety/system of comfort of a belt of a seat ahead at the left
S68/9x1       Contact socket of the switch of the lock of a belt of safety/system of comfort of a belt of a seat ahead at the left
S76/5       ASR OFF Switch
S76/6       ESP OFF Switch
S77/2       the Switch of a control lamp of level of working liquid in a hydraulic actuator
S86/1       Switch forward left (comfort)
S86/1s1       the Switch forward left (comfort), without safety lock
S86/1s2       the Switch forward left (comfort), with a safety lock
S87/1       Switch forward right (comfort)
S87/1s1       the Switch forward right (comfort), without safety lock
S87/1s2       the Switch forward right (comfort), with a safety lock
S88/2       Switch of a trunk lid (comfort)
S88/2s1       the Switch of a trunk lid (comfort), without safety lock
S88/2s2       the Switch of a trunk lid (comfort), with a safety lock
S9/1       braking signal Switch
S95       Switch of the Parktronic (PTS) system
T1/1       Two-spark coil of ignition 1, cylinders 1 and 4 (HFM/PMS)
T1/2       Two-spark coil of ignition 2, cylinders 2 and 3 (HFM/PMS)
T1/3       Two-spark coil of ignition 3, cylinders 1 and 6 (HFM/PMS)
U1       Is valid for the USA
U12       Is valid for the car with the left arrangement of a wheel
U13       Is valid for the car with the right arrangement of a wheel
U18       Is valid for a combination of devices without CAN tire
U2       Is valid for all (except the USA)
U23       Is valid for system of injection (ME 1.0)
U24       Is valid for MG
U25       Is valid for AG
U26       Is valid for the engine 104
U29       Is valid for KLA
U3       Is valid for ETS
U4       Is valid for TMP
U50       Is valid for USA, J, CH, N, DK, FIN
U502       Is valid for the coupling device — additional installation
U503       Is valid for a taxi
U505       Is valid for EFP, TMP, LLR
U506       Is valid for ADS
U507       Is valid for ESP
U512       Is valid for system of adjustment of clearance
U517       Is valid for all engines (except 604)
U52       Is valid for Japan
U526       Is valid for APS
U527       Is valid for EGS
U54       Is valid for xenon headlights and the proofreader of headlights
U55       Is valid for the engine 604
U56       Is valid for the version with side safety cushions
U57       Is valid for T-model
U58       Is valid for the sedan and the extended version of the sedan
U60       Is invalid for system of comfort of seat belts
U61       Is valid for back left fog fires
U64       Is valid for back right fog fires
U67       Is valid for the lock switch, the car with the left wheel
U68       Is valid for the lock switch, the car with the right wheel
U69       Is invalid for adjustment of seats and a steering column
U70       Is valid for adjustment of seats and a steering column
U77       Is valid for PML
U8       Is valid for ASR
U85       Is valid for ETS/AG
U86       Is valid for ADS/ESP
U87       Is valid for the conditioner
U88       Is valid for the version with the rain sensor
U9       Is valid for ETS/MG
U91       Is valid for system of injection (ME 2.0)
U95       Is valid for HFM
U96       Is valid for EVE
U97       Is valid for ERE
W1       the Main contact of "weight" (behind a combination of devices)
W10       Contact of "mass" of the battery
W11       Contact of "mass" of the engine
W15/1       Contact of "weight" in space for legs on the right
W15/2       Contact of "weight" in space for legs at the left
W16/3       Contact of "mass" of a wheel at the left
W16/4       Contact of "mass" of a wheel on the right
W16/5       Contact of "weight" in a motor compartment at the left
W16/6       Contact of "weight" in a motor compartment on the right
W18       Contact of "mass" of a cross beam, front left seat
W19       Contact of "mass" of a cross beam, front right seat
W26       Contact of "mass" of the controller of natyazhitel of seat belts (GUS)/safety cushion (AB)
W29/8       Contact of "mass" of a back left rack (T)
W6/1       Contact of "weight" in a luggage carrier of a back left lamp
X11/22       Test connection for diagnostics of II
X11/4       Test connection for diagnostics
X12/3       Connection of wires, contact "30"
X12/5       Connection of wires, contact "15/158" (the bearing body basis)
X18       the Contact socket the driver's place / the bearing body basis
X21/1       Connection of wires of the switch of a signal of braking
X22       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / engine
X22/1       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / engine, AG
X22/2       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / engine, contact "50"
X22/3       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / engine, the adjusting device
X22/4       the Contact socket — mechanical KP / engine, 4-contact
X25       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / the bearing basis of a body (diagnostics)
X25/2       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / the bearing basis of a body, TMP
X25/3       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / the bearing basis of a body, EFP
X25/7       the Contact socket — a motor compartment / the bearing body basis
X26       the Contact socket — the driver's place / a motor compartment
X26/1       the Contact socket — system treksh-control (contact "61e") the driver's place / the bearing body basis
X26/2       the Contact socket — the driver's place / a motor compartment (contact "61e")
X26/27       the Contact socket — the Parktronic system, the bearing body basis / a front bumper
X35/1       the Contact socket — a forward left door / the bearing body basis
X35/2       the Contact socket — a forward right door / the bearing body basis
X35/27       the Contact socket — the Parktronic system, the alarm index of bearing body basis / the driver's place
X35/28       the Contact socket — the Parktronic system, the bearing body basis / a rear bumper
X35/3       the Contact socket — a back left door / the bearing body basis
X35/34       the Contact socket — the bearing body basis / the driver's place, giving of tension on the back socket of safety locks
X35/4       the Contact socket — a back right door / the bearing body basis
X4       Connection of wires, contact "30", space for legs at the left
X58       Contact socket of the hook-on device, 13-contact
X58/4       Contact socket of luggage space
X58S1       Mikrovyklyuchatel of definition of the hook-on device
X62/1       the Contact socket — the frequency sensor the rotation/index of wear of brake shoes behind at the left
X62/19       Connection of wires of a signal of frequency of rotation of ASR/electronic ETS system ahead at the left
X62/2       the Contact socket — the frequency sensor the rotation/index of wear of brake shoes behind on the right
X62/21       Connection of wires of a signal of frequency of rotation of ASR/electronic ETS system behind at the left
X62/6       the Contact socket — the forward bridge distributor on the right (a motor compartment)
X62/7       the Contact socket — the forward bridge distributor at the left (a motor compartment)
X63/5       the Contact socket — CAN tires, 2-contact
X85/1       the Contact socket — conductings of conditioner/conducting of the engine
X88/1       Intermediate contact socket of the pump of cooling liquid
Y1/1       Electrohydraulic switch
Y1/1b1       fuel temperature Sensor
Y1/1y1       Adjusting device
       Y10 P-valve of the PML system
Y13       Valve, pritochny air / recirculation
Y21       Double valve
Y21y1       Valve of cooling liquid, left side
Y21y2       Valve of cooling liquid, right side
Y22/6       the Switching valve of the resonant inlet pipeline
Y22/7       the Switching valve of the resonant inlet pipeline
Y23/1       Line TNVD
Y23/111       TNVD lath course Sensor
Y23/112       Actual position of the regulating gate
Y23/1x1       Contact socket of the device of giving of system of injection of ERE
Y23/2       Distributive TNVD
Y23/212       Sensor of provision of a shaft of the distributor
Y23/2r1       the Leveling resistance
Y23/2r2       the Leveling resistance
Y23/2x1       Contact socket of distributive TNVD (EVE)
Y23/2y1       shutdown Valve
Y23/2y2       Valve of the return giving
Y23/2y3       switching Valve
Y23/2y4       Inlet valve
Y23/3       Distributive TNVD
Y23/311       the Sensor of the course of the regulating gate
Y23/312       Actual position of the regulating gate
Y23/3b1       fuel temperature Sensor
Y23/3x1       Actual position of the regulating gate
Y23/3y1       fuel supply Device
Y27       ARF switching Valve
Y3/6       Electric control unit
Y3/6b1       temperature Sensor
Y3/6n2       Sensor of frequency of rotation 2
Y3/6n3       Sensor of frequency of rotation 3
Y3/6s1       Contact of blocking of a starter
Y3/6y1       the Regulating magnetic valve, modulation pressure
Y3/6y2       the Regulating magnetic valve, switching pressure
Y3/6y3       Magnetic valve 1-2 and 4-5
Y3/6y4       Magnetic valve 3-4
Y3/6y5       Magnetic valve 2-3
Y3/6y6       Pulse magnetic valve of modulation
Y31/1       ARF pressure Converter
Y31/2       the Converter of pressure of the regulating gate
Y31/4       ARF/regulating pressure Converter gate
Y49       the Operating camshaft electromagnet
Y51y2       Magnetic valve 2 of the forward bridge
Y51       damper Valve, forward bridge at the left
Y51y1       Magnetic valve of 1 forward bridge
Y52       damper Valve, forward bridge on the right
Y52y1       Magnetic valve of 1 forward bridge
Y52y2       Magnetic valve 2 of the forward bridge
Y53       damper Valve, back bridge at the left
Y53y1       Magnetic valve of 1 forward bridge
Y53y2       Magnetic valve 2 of the forward bridge
Y54       damper Valve, back bridge on the right
Y54y1       Magnetic valve of 1 forward bridge
Y54y2       Magnetic valve 2 of the forward bridge
Y58/1       the Switching restoration valve
Y62       fuel injection Valves
Y62y1       Valve, 1st cylinder
Y62y2       Valve, 2nd cylinder
Y62y3       Valve, 3rd cylinder
Y62y4       Valve, 4th cylinder
Y62y5       Valve, 5th cylinder
Y62y6       Valve, 6th cylinder
Y65/3       Valve of the central blocking of remote opening of a trunk lid
Y66/1       Blocking of back broadcast / mode of the parking
Y6OX1       Contact socket of the magnetic valve of the coupling of an advancing of injection
Z13       Conclusion "5"
Z14       Conclusion "6"
Z20       the Screen in isolation
Z21/10       the Conclusion of contact of a door (connection of "weight"), connection by the soldering in conducting
Z21/11       Conclusion of a control lamp of remote opening of a luggage carrier
Z21/3       the Conclusion of contact of a door behind (connection of "weight"), giving of tension from the contact switch at doors behind at the left (S17/5) and behind on the right (S17/6)
Z21/5       Conclusion of the switch of 1 trunk lid, EDW/ZV
Z21/6       switch Conclusion 2 trunk lids, EDW/ZV
Z29/1       Conclusion "58L"
Z3       the Conclusion "15", without safety lock
Z3/11       the Conclusion "15", giving of tension from F1–7 safety lock
Z3/26       the Conclusion "15", without safety lock
Z3/28       Conclusion "15", braking signal
Z3/29       the Conclusion "15", with a safety lock
Z30/1       Conclusion of the index of turn left, driver's place
Z30/2       Conclusion of the index of turn right, driver's place
Z30/3       the Conclusion of the index of turn left, the bearing body basis
Z30/4       the Conclusion of the index of turn right, the bearing body basis
Z36/1       Conclusion of "weight", PTS system, back sensors
Z36/2       Conclusion of giving of tension, PTS system, back sensors
Z36/3       Conclusion of "weight", PTS system, forward sensors
Z36/4       Conclusion of giving of tension, PTS system, forward sensors
Z37       CAN tire Conclusion in salon / the bearing basis of a body (low)
Z37/1       CAN tire Conclusion in salon / the bearing basis of a body (high)
Z37/13       CAN tire Conclusion, engine / driver's place (low)
Z37/14       CAN tire Conclusion, engine / driver's place (high)
Z37/2       CAN tire Conclusion, engine (low)
Z37/3       CAN tire Conclusion, engine (high)
Z38       backing signal Conclusion
Z40       braking signal Conclusion
Z41       switching off Conclusion cruise control
Z42       Conclusion of definition of the hook-on device, PTS
Z6       Conclusion of "weight"
Z6/20       Conclusion of "weight", back door
Z6/8       Conclusion of "mass" of the sensor
Z7       Conclusion "30"
Z7/1       Conclusion "30", driver's place
Z7/24       Conclusion "87"
Z7/25       the Conclusion "87", without safety lock (Motronic/module of the relay)
Z7/29       the Conclusion "87", without safety lock, giving of tension via the relay of protection against an overload (K1)
Z7/33       Conclusion "30", hatch
Z7/5       Conclusion "87"
Z81       Conclusion "58d"
Z81/4       the Conclusion "87d", the bearing body basis
Z83/6       the Conclusion, the screen, giving of tension from EZL
Z84/3       Conclusion of the actuation device, EFP system at the left (signal "+")
Z84/4       the Conclusion of the actuation device, the EFP system at the left (a signal "– ")
Z89       a rotation frequency sensor Conclusion, the forward bridge, on the right, giving of tension from the controller ABS (N30), ASR (N30/1)/(N47-1), ETS (N47-2)
Z92       TNA Conclusion — a signal And
Z99/1       Conclusion "87", ASR/ETS
Z99/2       Conclusion "87", EFP
Z99/3       the Conclusion "87" bearing the body basis
Z99/4       Conclusion of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a steering wheel

The main abbreviations used on the Mercedes cars
4MATIC       Automatically adjustable four-wheel drive
AB       Safety cushion
ABL       External lighting
ABS       Anti-blocking system 4
       ABW Radar (parking sensor)
ASS       Position of the ignition key at the parking with the switched-on devices
       TNVD lath course ADA Limiter with the high-rise proofreader
       ADS System of adjustment of clearance
AG       Automatic KP
AKR       Management of an anti-detonation
       ALDA System of adjustment depending on atmospheric pressure
APS       autopilot System
ARF       Return giving of OG
ASA       Automatic antidazzle of mirrors
ASD       Automatic blocking of differential
ASF       the Switched-off valve of anticreeping system
ASR       of Protivobuksovochnaya system
       ATS System of antennas
BAS       Brake Assist System
       The CAN Tire of data of CAN (Control Area Network — the onboard controller of communication)
CC       Control system of car speed
CDW       CD changer
       CKP Sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft
CV       Roof of a cabriolet
DH       Reference book of diagnostics
       DTC Code of diagnostics of malfunctions
EA       Electronic accelerator
EAG       Electronic control of automatic KP
       ECT Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
EDR       Electronic adjustment of the diesel engine
EDS       Electronic system of the diesel engine
EDW       Anticreeping system
EFP       Electronic control by a butterfly valve
EHD       Electronic system of injection of diesel fuel under high pressure
       EGR System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases
ELR       Electronic adjustment of frequency of rotation of idling
       ELV Electric drive of adjustment steering Coca