10.5. Check of a charge of the rechargeable battery
If, despite the sufficient level of electrolyte, the rechargeable battery does not provide necessary power, it is necessary to check its charge. It is the for this purpose best of all to use the areometer. The scale of the device shows electrolyte density in the battery. For measurement it is also possible to use a tester of high precision (an error in limits ± 0,02 B). Value of tension of idling will allow to judge a battery charge.
"15 000 km Annually"
1. You take measurement not earlier than in 6 h after the previous recharge.
2. Turn out or take out a stopper from the battery case.
3. Hold the areometer horizontally. Gather a device pear so much electrolyte from the battery that the float freely floated in it (fig. 9.5).