10.6. Launch of the engine from the external power supply
For connection of the charged and discharged rechargeable battery it is necessary to use special wires. In this case electronic devices of the car will be protected from dangerous power surges.
Fig. 9.9. To launch the car engine with the discharged battery by means of the auxiliary battery, it is optional to connect a starter wire to plugs of the auxiliary battery — in the motor compartment Mercedes of the E-class it is much simpler to make it
1. The car from which launch of the engine will be carried out arrange so that contacts of batteries of both cars could be connected by wires.
2. Disconnect in the car everything consumers of energy.
3. Connect positive plugs of batteries, at first having fixed the wire plug on the discharged battery, then on loaded.
4. At first attach the second wire to the negative plug of the car with the charged battery, and then to the negative plug of the discharged battery.
5. Launch the engine on the car with the charged battery and leave to work at the raised turns in order that the generator provided sufficient tension.
6. Launch the engine of your car. If the engine is not launched at once, between attempts it is necessary to make pauses, allowing a starter to cool down. The engine of the first car has to continue to work: the discharged battery will receive recharge.
7. Remove wires in the following order: at first from the negative plug of the battery - "donor", then from the. Remove a wire from positive plugs: at first from the car with the charged battery, then from discharged.
8. After launch of the engine some time let's it work on high turns that the generator could recharge the battery.
Launch of the engine towage of the car
This way is not suitable for the car with faulty system of ignition. It is necessary to work with the skilled assistant. Remember that at the idle engine the amplifier of brakes does not work.
1. Include ignition and the 2nd transfer and press a coupling pedal.
2. The towing car has to start slowly.
3. At a speed about 15 km/h slowly release a coupling pedal. Be ready to braking (the right leg over a brake pedal).
4. If the engine was launched, press a coupling pedal, and then an accelerator pedal.
5. Give a sound signal to the driver of the towing car and smoothly stop both cars.
Launch of the engine pushing
This way is preferable if the engine and a starter are in good repair. It is necessary to refuse pushing if the engine is not launched because of malfunctions in system of ignition: not burned down remains of fuel mix can ignite and damage catalytic converter.
1. Include ignition and the 1st transfer. On higher transfers the generator will rotate insufficiently quickly for ensuring high voltage.
2. Press a coupling pedal, begin to push the car until it sweeps.
3. Quickly release a coupling pedal — the bent shaft of the engine will be turned, the engine has to be launched. If it began to work, quickly press a coupling pedal, and then an accelerator pedal.