10.9. Detection of the faulty consumer
If the rechargeable battery which was regularly working the day before ceases to give current, perhaps, it was discharged in a night by the faulty consumer who is in a chain. For check at first measure current in a chain. At the same time it is necessary to define the faulty consumer.
1. Remove a wire from the negative plug of the rechargeable battery, connect a multimeter wire between a negative pole of the battery and "weight". If the device shows current which value exceeds 20 мА, in a chain there is a faulty consumer. Before check be convinced that all consumers are switched off.
2. Connect a wire to the negative plug, open the block of safety locks and take out one safety lock. Connect a tester wire to contacts of a safety lock. If the device does not show current, the chain of this consumer is not damaged. Small current is admissible. Such devices as hours, the radio tape recorder or the alarm system constantly consume the electric power from the battery. However current in their chain is much lower, than at the faulty device.
3. Continue measurements on the block of safety locks, the device to which chains there is big current will not be found out yet. From the table of safety locks it is possible to find out what devices are connected through it.
4. Disconnect in turn devices of this chain and every time measure current. When the tester does not show current any more, the faulty device is revealed.