11.12.2. Removal of a back seat
Fig. 10.28. For removal of a pillow of a back seat press the clamps (shooter) which are slightly drowned inside on the right and at the left
1. On both sides of a forward part of a pillow press the fixing springs (fig. 10.28).
Fig. 10.29. On T-models (station wagon) the pillow of a back seat needs to be removed from loops (arrow)
2. Remove a pillow. On T-models (station wagon) the pillow of a back seat needs to be removed from loops (fig. 10.29).
3. At not developing back of a back seat turn off three bolts on the lower edge.
4. Raise a back up and take out it.
5. At the return installation you watch the correct arrangement of seat belts.
6. At the developing back of a back seat turn off fastenings below.