12:13. Doors
By production of cars at the plants of the Mercedes company of a door act after coloring for a further dosborka then they are established on the car again.
The special loops facilitating removal and installation without violation of adjustments are for this purpose developed. It facilitates work and at independent repair: after the order of dismantle of a door described below the subsequent adjustment is not required. At a traditional order of dismantle of a door with removal of loops need of adjustment, of course, remains. In this case it is necessary to paint surfaces under loops.
All connections are carried out to doors via the multicontact socket. Its opening and closing is carried out by means of the special tool. It is possible to use for this purpose and the screw-driver, but it has to approach an opening precisely.
Prednatyazhiteli of belts and independent repair
Front seats of the Mercedes car are equipped by the prednatyazhitel of seat belts working in case of accident. Prednatyazhiteli work under the influence of the gas generator activated by giving of current. Independent repair of this system is forbidden. Installation and dismantle of prednatyazhitel — a task of experts of STOA who have to observe strict safety requirements.
Care during the works under the car
Performing body works, it is not allowed to use without extra care an impact driver or the hammer in the field of roller mechanisms of seat belts: prednatyazhitel are very sensitive to vibrations and blows and therefore can work