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2.1.1. The concept of the facilitated design

Though on subjective feelings the car has no good temperament, technical characteristics indicate the opposite: dispersal to 100 km/h — for 10,5 with, the maximum speed – 215 km/h. The last parameter is strongly influenced by aerodynamic resistance, the coefficient of Skh at the new car is lowered to 0,27.
Aerodynamic development of new Mercedes of the E-class began in the water environment where especially visually it was possible to track character of an obtekayemost of a body. At coefficient of aerodynamic resistance of Skh = 0,27 E-220 D E-200 and Mercedes Mercedes cars are recognized the best in the world according to this characteristic.
New models of the E-class consume fuels on average 6-10% less, than their predecessors, respectively it is less also emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere. For achievement of such result above-mentioned improvement of aerodynamics (Skh depending on model of the car and brand of tires makes 0,27–0,29) and decrease in weight gave the greatest effect.
Influence of weight on energy consumption of the car should be taken into account. For example, at the movement in city conditions power consumption makes 23%. From them 17% are the share of dispersal of the car, other 6% – on resistance to swing. Energy consumption depends also on the mass of the car. It is known that at its reduction by 100 kg fuel consumption at the movement in city conditions, depending on make of the car and the nature of the movement, decreases by 0,3–0,6 l / 100 km.
"It is necessary to reduce the mass of the car, but not at any cost" – such is the basic principle of development of the car of the E-class. Decrease in weight is only a step to a solution. Aspects of safety, comfort, reliability and profitability are also important. For these reasons of Mercedes also developed the concept of the facilitated design conforming to all above-stated requirements.
The major role in this concept is played by steel. At the optimum specific weight and high durability steel is an ideal compromise between safety and weight for the bearing car designs. For a solution of the problem of safety parts of a body subject to big loading amplify and become more rigidly. Less strong steel is applied to other parts. Such body has both the optimum weight, and appropriate durability. Lately Mercedes applies more and more strong brands of steel which allow to keep the required durability at the minimum thickness of metal. At a new E-class about a third of a body is made of such high-strength steel.
Thanks to the innovations applied in production of a metal body Mercedes of the E-class (more than 30 technical novelties), driving became safer and comfortable. A peculiar structure of a body and security system of new Mercedes of the E-class made this car the most reliable in the class.
   Use of steel with additive from the titan
One of new samples of high-strength steel is the microalloyed isotope steel. It represents the steel alloyed in the special way containing additive from the titan and possessing structure of high degree of uniformity. Titanic additive allows to perform much easier works on are flexible also to stamping of sheet metal that, first of all, concerns the most parts of a body. At E-class cars, except the main parts of the bearing design, from metal with titanic additive back doors, a back wall and a back part of a floor are produced. Reduction of weight, depending on design knot, makes from 4 to 7%.