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2.2. E-class Mercedes models

The middle class of Mercedes-Benz is purely German style. And the German tradition — its exclusive variety. Whether it be the driver of a taxi who is considering each kopek, or widely conceiving judge of life — everyone interested in acquisition of the car of the E-class the multipage price list offers the huge choice of options of a complete set, at the same time externally the car practically does not change.
Thereby the E-class covers the widest range of the prices.
For possessing weighing 1,5 t of Mer-cedes E 200 today, as well as in the mid-sixties, it is possible to adapt the 2-liter petrol engine. As well as then, now Mercedes E 200 serves as an entrance to automobile "high society". And as the following model produced in 1968 and nicknamed "Dash-8", and modern model of the E-class are equipped at will with the motor which is initially intended for big model of a S-class. Now it represents the V-shaped 8-cylinder engine of 4,2 l of Mercedes E 420, and in 1972 it was the single-row 6-cylinder engine with two verkhneraspolozhenny camshafts in the W-280 and W-280 cars E which introduced the power and comfort of a super class in middle class.
Thanks to it the car of the previous W-210 series (after the firm entered new qualification of models, it began to carry an index "E") represents today the top model whose family tree it is possible to track the W-124 series only to her predecessor.
Except for the 5-liter engine, and also diesel engines with the largest and smallest volume, all engines can be installed on cars both with a body the sedan, and with a body the station wagon (T-model). Only those who chose the four-wheel drive, that is the model 4Matic car have the limited choice. The four-wheel drive can be installed both on the sedan, and on the station wagon at the additional price, but only in a combination with new V-shaped 6-cylinder engines and is exclusive together with the automatic transmission.
The new E-class did not capture fans of a compartment and cabriolets to whom still the previous W-124 series delivered elegant representatives of cars of these types. Those who prefers 4-seater compartments should address a class below: for example, to the CLK models which are based on the S-class or to the models similar to a cabriolet.