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2.4. Salon

Safety cushions
T-model options
Capacity of the luggage compartment
Dimensions of the Mercedes cars of the E-class

Execution of an interior of the Mercedes models of the E-class differs in soft smooth forms. Their harmony was transferred outside inside and added with use of the corresponding flowers and materials that allowed to create the salon radiating tranquility and solidity. The first-class materials, thin skin and the decorative wooden panels manufactured manually from a plane tree, nut or a maple emphasize its elegance. Models of the E-class have also distinctive features.

Correct landing
The chair of the car is a workplace of the driver. To the driver a certain compulsory situation because it needs to operate pedals and a steering wheel constantly is set. At the same time it has to influence various levers and toggle-switches without effort.
Will help to avoid tension when driving to you the following:
1. Slightly incline a chair back back (by 100–120 degrees to a seat surface).
2. The head restraint has to settle down 2-3 cm above the eye ear line;
3. Sit down so that the back had full contact with a chair back.
4. Undertake a steering wheel in the top part. At the cast-away shoulders of a hand should not be completely extended.
5. When pressing a pedal of coupling or a brake of a leg should not be completely straightened.
6. At the movement of the car knees have to be slightly bent.

The thought-over two-color scale of salon surprises to trifles. Zones of the upper edge of boards are executed generally in dark tones. Thereby patches of light on a windshield decrease, for example. From below light shades dominate. This color scale emphasizes conceptuality of a form. The stylish form of the dashboard also is based on the same principle.