2.5.7. Petrol 6-cylinder line and V-shaped E 240, E 280, E 320 engines
Model E 240 is equipped with the 6-cylinder V-shaped engine with a working volume of 2,4 l and 170 h.p. The engine is a successor of 4-cylinder version E 230.
During 1997 scale of engines of the E-class was thoroughly processed. As a result appeared model E 280 and E 320, equipped with 6-cylinder V-shaped engines, – the first copies of a new series of engines M 112. These engines replaced old 6-cylinder line units of the same volume. Power of V6 engines makes respectively 204 and 224 h.p. For comparison: line engines of the same volumes of the E-class 1996 of model year had 193 and 220 h.p. The characteristic of torque of both V-shaped engines flat in the range of 3000-5000 min.-1 that allows a thicket to use the highest transfers, reducing turns of the engine and respectively fuel consumption. To reduce vibroloading of the V-shaped engine, the additional balancing shaft is applied. Use of light materials made V-shaped engines 25% easier than line. In these engines for the first time sleeves of cylinders were made of light alloys that provides economy of fuel thanks to a covering with small coefficient of friction. Emission of harmful substances is considerably reduced thanks to application by each cylinder of a head of the block with three valves and two spark plugs. These measures also promoted reduction of fuel consumption for 9–13% for model E 280 in comparison with the predecessor.