2. Description of the Mercedes E-class model
The new Mercedes E-class model is on sale since the end of June, 1995 and is obliged by the success first of all to the authority of the predecessor — the Mercedes passenger car of the previous series (W-124) which two years ago when the firm entered new qualification of models, began to carry an index "E".
However the new car is better than the predecessor in many parameters.
At choice more than ten versions of engines are presented to the buyer in total (and the 5-cylinder diesel engine of the E-class of 2,5 l is specially delivered on the markets of Italy, Greece and Portugal).
In March, 1997 the 2,8 and 3,2 l line 6-cylinder engines were replaced with V-shaped 6-cylinder units.
In an index after the letter designating a class engine capacity in cubic centimeters without the last zero is specified. For example, at the E-230 model the 2300 cm3 engine (more precisely, 2295 cm3). The letter "D" designates "the diesel engine".
The courageous decision was twice rewarded. The new E-class rose on one level with racing cars. It drove Mercedes of the S-class which is in great demand out of the German market. And in the first year of the beginning of serial release (1996) took the seventh place on demand among such popular models as VW, Opel and Audi.