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3.3. Main tool

When carrying out repair work on your car use only the complete and good tool. Check it before beginning work. Upon purchase choose only the tool manufactured of high-quality materials.
If you make car repairs occasionally, then for you the following set of tools will be sufficient:

Fig. 2.2. A set of screw-drivers with not sliping handle for shlitsevy, cross and Torx-screws

1. A set of screw-drivers with not sliping handle for shlitsevy, cross and Torx-screws (fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.3. Rozhkov' set and cap wrenches

2. Rozhkov' set and cap wrenches (fig. 2.3). It is good to have double keys the sizes from 6 to 19 mm. It is desirable to have keys of SW 10, 13, 17 and 19 of mm combined (cap / рожковый).

Fig. 2.4. A candle key of SW 16 and a special face key with rubber consolidation

3. A candle key of SW 16 (fig. 2.4) and special face a key with rubber consolidation.

Fig. 2.5. Set of six-sided keys

4. Set of six-sided keys (fig. 2.5) sizes from 2 to 8 mm.

Fig. 2.6. Tools: 1 – bokoreza; 2 – universal passatizh; 3 – adjustable flat-nose pliers (length — at least 240 mm)

5. Bokoreza of 1 (fig. 2.6), universal passatizh 2 and adjustable flat-nose pliers 3.

Fig. 2.7. Set of hammers: 1 – steel hammer; 2 – aluminum hammer; 3 – plastic hammer

6. A set of hammers consisting of the steel hammer 1 (fig. 2.7) used for shock works (the recommended weight — about 300 g), aluminum 2 and the plastic 3 hammers used to cast and red-hot details, bearings.

Fig. 2.8. Tools: 1 – center punch; 2 – chisel; 3 – punches

7. A center punch of 1 (fig. 2.8) for drilling works on metal, a chisel 2 (with the tempered working part) for an otvorachivaniye of the rusted bolts and nuts and punches 3 (diameter of 3 and 6 mm) for works with a running gear, the engine and brakes.

Fig. 2.9. Tools for work with elements of electric system: 1 – electroassembly pincers; 2 – universal flat-nose pliers; 3 – electric sampler; 4 – screw-driver

8. For works with elements of electric equipment and electric chains electroassembly pincers of 1 (fig. 2.9) for shtekerny sockets and cable connections, universal flat-nose pliers 2 with the isolated handles, an electric sampler 3 with a wire of "weight" and the screw-driver 4 with the isolated handle are recommended.

Fig. 2.10. Set of face heads: 1 – face heads sizes from 10 to 32 mm; 2 – the ratchet handle with a tip "on 1/2""

Fig. 2.11. A necessary set of tools in your car: 1 – lamp; 2 – universal flat-nose pliers; 3 – spare electric cable; 4 – insulating tape; 5 – safety lock; 6 – a set of wires for launch of the engine; 7 – set of bulbs; 8 – a key for wheels; 9 – towing cable

9. For works with the engine and under the car a set of face heads of 1 (fig. 2.10) by the sizes of 10-32 mm and the ratchet handle 2 with a tip is recommended for 1/2 inches. Set is cheaper, than purchase of all components separately. For works in salon it is also necessary to have a set of face heads with the ratchet handle with a tip on 1/4 inches. Along with cross, shlitsevy, Torx-screws and synthetic latches suppliers often put screws with SW from 6 to 13 mm.

Set of tools in your car
Check completeness of your car the tool as the tool which is stored in a garage will not help you on the way. Your car is already completed with a jack and the screw-driver. Put a lamp of 1 (fig. 2.11). At bad contact or break of a cable you will be helped by universal flat-nose pliers 2, a spare electric wire 3 and an insulating tape 4. Also it is necessary to have a set of bulbs 7 and safety locks 5, a towing cable 9, a set of wires for launch of the engine 6 and a balloon key 8 for wheels.