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3.5. Safety measures

The important place at service and car repairs is occupied by safety measures. If to neglect it, then accidents not only with you, but also with people around are not excluded.
When carrying out repair work on the car observe the following security measures:
1. You do not smoke during the work with the fuel equipment.
2. When drilling, grinding and work with a chisel use goggles.
3. During the carrying out repair work or service of the car, being in close proximity to the working engine, use earphones.
4. During the work with metal (for example, when drilling) use gloves.
5. Observe extra care, being in a viewing ditch in operating time of the engine.
6. During paintings use means of protection of respiratory organs. You monitor ventilation in the working room.
7. Utilize the fulfilled fuel, oil, brake fluid and other materials only in places specially allotted for this purpose.
8. When replacing safety locks establish only safety locks of the same face value. Do not use pieces of a wire or other "bugs" at all.
9. Observe extra care during the work with system of ignition. Check system of ignition at the idle engine. In need of check of system of ignition in operating time of the engine do not touch it with hands.