4.2.3. If you wash the car independently
If you independently wash the car, you need to have:
– enough water. If dirt is removed an insufficient amount of water, then small particles of dust and sand can get on a sponge and form small scratches on a paint and varnish surface;
– a garden hose with a nozzle or, at least, two buckets with water;
– a hose brush which washes away dirt water flow. If you work in mittens for washing or use a sponge, hold a hose closer to the processed surface that more water got on the cleared site. Or a sponge after every second or third rubbing completely immerse mittens for washing in a bucket with water and wring out that in pile or a time dirt did not accumulate;
– a brush with a length the handle for cleaning of hard-to-reach spots — rims and wheel arches;
– a sponge with a big time;
– a sponge for removal from glass of insects;
– a big piece of natural suede for drying;
– buckets for washing by car shampoo or rinsings of a special suede napkin for glasses.
Means for external washing of the car
Car shampoo. Helps to delete easily oil spots from a paint and varnish covering.
Car shampoo with protective structure. Has properties of car shampoo, however after drying protects a paint and varnish covering and prolongs the term of the next polishing.
Cleaner of caps. Deletes traces from dust of brake shoes.
Care product behind surfaces from artificial materials. Especially for the faded bumpers. Along with substances for leaving contains dyes. It is put and distributed by a pure sponge. The remains are removed a soft rag
1. Close all doors and windows.
2. Clear wheel niches, caps and thresholds. Delete the remained dirt in two steps.
3. Wash out the bottom a vapor jet or waters. In the winter surely purify dirt before beginning a wash of the car. It is recommended one or two times a year to lift the car and to examine a condition of a sheeting of the bottom.
4. Steel disks of forward wheels need more frequent cleaning as there the bigger quantity of the crumb from brake slips which is formed when braking gathers. Clear caps of wheels special means. Caps will serve longer if before a sink to remove with a sponge dirt from hard-to-reach spots (fig. 3.5). At first remove the stuck dirt with a small sponge, then wash out caps water under pressure.
Aluminum caps have a protective varnish covering. However if you touch with a cap about a border or other obstacle, then even the supervarnish will not help you. Scratches need to be closed up at once, otherwise they will very quickly be filled with aggressive dust from brake shoes. Gray-black dust corrodes small holes in light metal. Process small scratches and attritions polishing paste for aluminum.
5. Caps from light metals need to be washed with water and detergent regularly. Aluminum caps are very sensitive to influence of the concentrated detergents. Wash their two once a month, and they will serve to you longer.
6. Cleaning of caps of irregular shape to you will be facilitated by toothbrushes. Use of protective medicines will be also pertinent. Dust from brake shoes and dirt will not get through a layer of protective medicine.
Protective medicine should not get on brake shoes or disks.
Correctly wash the car
7. Pour over the car a strong stream from a hose. On a sink it is the spolaskivaniye mode when washing by water under pressure.
8. By means of a hose with a brush, sponges or mittens for washing wash the car from a roof to bottom edge of windows.
9. Distribute foam for cleaning roundabouts with small pressure. Let's a penalty fee short time influence surfaces.
10. Wash away dirt water from a hose. On a sink it is the usual spolaskivaniye mode.
11. At the last spolaskivaniye clean wheels by means of a hose with a brush.
12. After a sink wipe the car with a suede napkin, otherwise the dried water forms spots of a gray raid on a paint and varnish covering.
13. Then ship a suede napkin completely in water, well rinse, wring out, spread on a cowl and pull on yourself on the varnished surface (fig. 3.6).
14. After each such operation well rinse a suede napkin and wring out. Wipe remote corners with a cotton rag or an old suede napkin, keep new — the remains of dirt will spoil it.
Take care of purity of glasses
15. When cleaning outer side of glasses act the same as when cleaning inside. Check a windshield — whether there are no traces from blows of stones and scratches.
16. Wipe brushes of screen wipers with dry suede.
17. After a sink check a paint and varnish covering, glasses of headlights and a front bumper — whether there is no dirt left there. Well wipe headlights (fig. 3.7), using soap solution. If simple soap solution does not help, use special means. Insects, a bird's dung, flower pollen and traces of heavy oils and additives have to be surely removed.
Fig. 3.8. Scheme of a deviation and absorption of a beam of light of headlights by dirt particles: 1 – pure headlights (most lit length, any decrease in intensity); 2 – dirty headlights (restriction of length of the lit site, is lower brightness)
18. Means for removal of heavy oils and additives cannot be applied on a paint and varnish covering — it contains solvents.
Cleaning of headlights
Glasses of headlights need to be cleaned more often than a car body. Dirt particles on glass can shield and absorb rays of light therefore the lit distance and brightness of headlights decrease. After an hour of driving on the wet road of a headlight become soiled for 60%. At the same time length of the lit site decreases by 35 m — distance which is always not enough at emergency braking. The scheme of a deviation and absorption of a light stream by particles of dirt is shown in fig. 3.8.