4.5.6. Windscreen washer nozzles
At inclusion of ignition electroheating of the nozzles of a washer which are built in a cowl begins. If to look at an electrical wiring at an open cowl, it is possible to see the heater socket.
Check of work of heating of nozzles
1. Separate the plug and connect the ampermeter between socket plugs.
2. At the included ignition measure the passing current, having established the range of its measurement about 0,3 And. For normal heating of nozzles current has to be about 0,1 A. Velichina of this current is caused by resistance to the warming-up spiral made of special holodnoprovodny material.
3. Blow the littered nozzles compressed air. In most cases it can be made by means of the automobile pump or the camera from a simple ball. For a purge of nozzles disconnect a hose of supply of the washing liquid. If the contamination occurs often, it is possible to insert into the highway of supply of liquid to nozzles the suitable petrol filter.