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4.5.7. Installation of nozzles


Fig. 3.14. Installation of nozzles of a washer

Nozzles should be established so that openings were directed above a middle part of glass (fig. 3.14) then in the mode of hard work of a screen wiper having washed glasses will be effective. If streams are directed too low, then in the mode of frequent work of a cleaner liquid will not manage to wash all working surface of glass.

Noise and scratch of glass cleaner
The reason of a scratch of glass cleaner consists in discrepancy of a tilt angle of a brush to a glass corner therefore during the work in this or that party the brush differently adjoins to a surface. This shortcoming can be corrected, turning in the lever. If it did not bring results, it is necessary to address to auto repair shop where will determine a tilt angle by the special measuring tool and with a guarantee will expose cleaner brushes.
At installation of nozzles use a pin or a thin office paper clip. Carefully insert it into a nozzle of a nozzle and turn a nozzle on the necessary corner.