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5.2.6. Check of a condition of oil in the engine

Check oil level after every second filling with gasoline. On the old engine with the raised consumption of oil it makes sense to check oil level during each filling to a full tank.

"Daily service"
1. Before launch of the engine check oil level on the cold engine.
2. Install the car on the horizontal platform.
3. Wait 5 min. that all oil flew down in a case.
4. Pull out the probe. Wipe the probe with a pure rag. Against the stop thrust the probe in a nest, wait a little and, having taken out it, again check oil level.

Fig. 4.34. Marks in the probe

5. If the level of oil is on the probe between markings — everything is all right. Oil should be added only if its level approaches the mark "minimum". The zone between markings "minimum" and "maximum" corresponds to the volume of 2 l (fig. 4.34).
6. For a doliv of oil use a pure funnel.
7. Add so much oil that level was below the mark "maximum" (the top marking).
   The ASSYST system — control of oil at the movement
Since March, 1997 on the Mercedes cars the new system of the ASSYST service for control of oil at the movement is installed. The system is based on long-term researches of service life of engine oils. Oil at cars by which go only on the city and on short distances "is produced" already through 5000 km. While at the cars used by the most part for trips on long distances and on high-speed routes at speeds from 80 to 150 km/h, intervals of replacement of oil approach 30 000 km. These various service conditions of engines are considered by the ASSYST system. The microcomputer on the basis of information obtained from various sensors registers actual state of engine oil and makes the plan of care of the engine. One of indicators of "ageing" of oil, for example, fixes the maintenance of iron particles in it which sharply increases after 5000 km at trips on short distances.
That it was possible to define the factors influencing the level and a consumption of oil, Mercedes-Benz developed the special touch sensor. It heats up at the increased or lowered level of oil and, besides, defines time when it is necessary to change oil. In addition the sensor defines change of structure of oil, for example additives in it of metal, fuel or cooling liquid, and warns about it the driver. Pressing of the corresponding button at the included ignition in the display will reflect a state and level of oil.