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5.2. Lubrication system

Oil pump
Oil pressure
Engine oil
Automatic control of level of oil
Check of operation of the sensor of level of oil
Check of a condition of oil in the engine
Replacement of oil and oil filter
Filling volumes
Check of tightness of oil system
Possible malfunctions of the lubrication system, their reason and ways of elimination

Fig. 4.31. Lubrication system: 1 – hydraulic pushers, 2 – oil channels for supply of oil on the valvate mechanism, 3 – the main oil channel from the engine block to a head of cylinders, 4 – a flange of an oil filter, 5 – the channel to an oil filter, 6 – the oil pump, 7 – the oil regulator of a natyazhitel of a chain of management

The lubrication system of the engine (fig. 4.31) is intended for:
1. Lubricants of knots and units of the engine. Creation of an oil film between moving surfaces provides the minimum wear of surfaces (pistons and cylinders, radical bearings, the drive of valves and other knots).
2. Elimination of gaps between the piston, piston rings and the working surfaces of the cylinder.
3. Coolings of details, such as pistons, bearings of a bent shaft.
The oil pump gives oil under pressure to the relevant canals from where it comes for cleaning to an oil filter. At obstruction of the filter the drainage valve which with a certain pressure opens the auxiliary channel of circulation begins to work. The crude oil becomes the reason of bystry wear of bearings.
From the filter lubricant on openings in the block of cylinders gets to bearings of a bent shaft, rod, auxiliary shaft and the valvate mechanism in a head of cylinders.
Walls of cylinders and piston fingers are oiled, getting through rods. For cooling of pistons separate oil nozzles serve.