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5.3.6. Replacement of cooling liquid

At the hot engine it is possible to get burns.

"To 120 000 km there are each 4 years"
1. Accurately uncover a broad tank.
2. Lower excessive pressure from the cooling system.
3. Put the heating regulator on the dashboard on "Heiss" (hotly). At the same time the heating installation cooling contour opens.
4. Remove protection of a case.

Fig. 4.45. A cap for discharge on a radiator: 1 – the union for a hose nozzle; 2 – cap

5. Substitute reception capacity under a radiator and the engine, on the lower part of a radiator turn off a cap of discharge (fig. 4.45) and merge cooling liquid. Sideways put on a short hose the union (internal diameter – 12 mm) to direct liquid to capacity.
6. Put on a hose (internal diameter – 14 mm) the drain union on the right on the block of the engine and open it.
7. Uncover a broad tank.
8. Merge cooling liquid and close reception capacity.
9. Twirl caps on the block of the engine and on a radiator.
10. Slowly fill in cooling liquid through a gulf mouth on a broad tank before marking.
11. Start the engine and let's it work on the raised turns about 2 min. At the same time constantly add cooling liquid in a broad tank.
12. Close a cover of a broad tank.
13. Leave to work the engine till the moment, the fan will not turn on yet.
14. Stop the engine.
15. If necessary add cooling liquid before marking.
16. Warm up the engine. At the same time air will quit the cooling system through a cover of a broad tank. On not heated-up engine double-check the level of cooling liquid. If necessary add a little water.
17. Put protection of a case into place.
   Gulf of antifreeze
If you want to check the content of antifreeze in cooling liquid, the areometer by means of which the specific weight (density) of liquid is measured is necessary for you.

Daimler-Benz allows to use antifreezes only of own production. At the malfunctions which arose because of use of antifreeze of other producers, the guarantee loses force. Do not add more than 50% of antifreeze for increase in frost resistance of cooling liquid, it will negatively affect its cooling properties. If you have no special areometer for the antifreeze, from an average measured by the ordinary areometer of value subtract +2... +3 °C.

1. Remove protection of a case.
2. Substitute reception capacity under a radiator and the engine.

Fig. 4.46. Indicator of concentration of antifreeze (areometer)

3. Select cooling liquid from a broad tank or turn off a discharge cap on a radiator and merge about 1-2 l of liquid (fig. 4.46).
4. Add necessary amount of antifreeze to a broad tank. If necessary add the remained merged liquid.