5.4.4. System of idling
System of pneumatic increase in frequency of rotation idling
Fig. 4.73. Scheme of vacuum lines and valves: 1 – the operating module of operation of the compressor of the conditioner; 2 – module of management of smoothness of switching (ARA); 3 – module of management of removal of exhaust gases (ARF); 4 – module of management of system of heating; 5 – accelerator pedal; 6 – sensor of temperature of cooling liquid; 7 – a throttle with the filter; 8 – flywheel; 9 – starter gear wheel RPM meter; 10 – perepuskny valve of adjustment of pressure; 11 – perepuskny valve of removal of exhaust gases; 12 – final collector; 13 – the soaking-up pipeline; 14 – vacuum pump; 15 – TNVD; 16 – the valve of removal of the fulfilled gases; 17 – case of the valve of adjustment of pressure; 18 – thermal valve; And – having blown; In – collateral consumers; With – a motor stop
The system affects via the vacuum chamber the idling regulator in TNVD. At a temperature of cooling liquid less than +30 °C the speed of idling increases approximately for 100 min.-1. The scheme in fig. 4.73 shows work of a thermal valve. When the valve is open, the diaphragm is affected by depression. Speed of idling remains to constants. At the closed valve the vacuum chamber is reported through the ventilated tube with the atmosphere, and speed increases.
Check of a pneumatic system of frequency of rotation idling
Check consists in control of tightness of separate pipelines by a purge. If the vacuum chamber is damaged, it needs to be replaced.
1. Disconnect the pipeline from the vacuum chamber. At a serviceable diaphragm the purge and absorption are impossible.
2. At a temperature of cooling liquid below 30 °C the valve has to be slightly opened, at more high temperature — is closed. The valve is on the left side of a head of cylinders.
3. When giving pressure of 0,5 bars in the pipeline to the vacuum chamber the speed of idling has to increase for 100 min.-1.
Electronic regulation of turns of idling
For adjustment of speed of idling the sensor on a gear wheel of a starter measures exact quantity of turns of a bent shaft and gives a signal in the control unit. The control unit traces a difference of necessary and current values and regulates speed depending on engine loading. At a temperature of cooling liquid below +60 °C the speed of idling increases in the set parameters. For this purpose serves operated by pulse tension elektromatnit which influences the TNVD regulator. For protection against differences of tension the 10-ampere safety lock is installed in the control unit.
Check of electronic regulation of frequency of rotation idling
At misoperation of idling or at its stop after launch of the engine check electronic system of adjustment
1. Make sure that the drive of an accelerator is installed correctly — at the released pedal the drive (cable) of the rotary lever has to be in a free state.
2. Leave the heated-up motor to work in the mode of idling and disconnect the electromagnet plug approximately on 3 pages. At a plug detachment turns have to increase quickly.
3. If speed did not change, quickly connect to an electromagnet voltage of 12 V (as much as possible on 3 with in order to avoid burn-out of the coil). If speed does not increase, replace an electromagnet.