6.1.4. Belt of the drive of auxiliary units
Each engine is completed with a belt of the drive of auxiliary units. On the working party of a belt is available several V-shaped flutes preventing its slipping. Such belt is called poliklinovy. Carrying out special works on a tension of a belt is not required as on all engines it is automatically supported by a natyazhitelny roller. The belt has big service life therefore it is recommended to check its state after the run about 30 000 km. However in the car it is always necessary to have a spare belt.
Check of technical condition of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units
"30 000 km are 2 years old"
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Mark a belt chalk in well looked through place (fig. 5.4, an arrow).
3. Install the gear shifting lever in neutral situation.
4. Slow down the car the parking brake.
5. Turn the engine by means of a face key before emergence on a belt of cretaceous marking.
Rotate the engine only clockwise.
6. Turn several times a bent shaft. Only this way you will manage to see all belt. Often on it there is only one, but very deep cut which when checking is not visible because the belt lies in this place on a pulley.
7. Check an external surface of a belt.
8. The belt should be replaced if you found the following defects:
– uneven wear tracks at edges of a belt;
– porous surface or "fringe";
– cuts;
– traces of oil or fat.
Removal, installation and tension of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units
4-cylinder line engine
For computer-controlled models system of heating or air conditioning system of release to 08.1996 g:
1. Remove the viscous coupling of the fan.
For all models:
2. Establish on a bolt of a tension roller a key of 2 (fig. 5.5) with a face head of Torx of E10 and turn of a key counterclockwise weaken a belt 1 tension.
3. Take off a belt.
Do not incline the tension lever for a nut of fastening of a tension roller.
4. Check profiles of pulleys and the tension device for existence of damages and pollution. If necessary clear or replace details.
5. Check bearings of the tension device and an edge of pulleys for existence of chips.
6. Check a condition of a belt. If there are pollution of streams, razlokhmachivany, cross cracks or breaks, the belt has to be replaced.
Fig. 5.6. Installation of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units on the 4-cylinder line engine: 1 – tension roller; 2 – bent shaft; 3 – compressor (air conditioning system); 4 – generator of alternating current; 5 – pump of the amplifier of steering; 6 – pump of cooling liquid
7. Put on a belt pulleys, since a tension roller of 1 (fig. 5.6) and further according to the numbering given on the scheme.
Fig. 5.7. Installation of a tension roller: 1 – holder; 2 – tension lever; 3 – tension roller; 4 – Torx E10 bolt
8. Release a tension roller of 3 (fig. 5.7). The tag "In" has to settle down in a working zone "A". A tag exit out of limits of this zone testifies to discrepancy of length of a belt for this engine or malfunction of the tension device.
9. Check the provision of a belt on pulleys.
10. Install the viscous coupling of the fan.
6-cylinder line engine (additional data)
As on the engine tension rollers of two options — diameters of 92 mm and 80 mm are established, belts of different length are necessary. At installation of a tension roller with a diameter of 80 mm the belt 20 mm shorter is required, than at installation of a roller with a diameter of 92 mm.
1. Remove a fan casing.
2. Establish a key with a face head of SW15 on a nut of a tension roller and turn of a key counterclockwise weaken a belt tension.
3. Take off a belt.
Fig. 5.8. Installation of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units on the 6-cylinder line engine: 1 – tension roller; 2 – bent shaft; 3 – compressor (air conditioning system); 4 – fan; 5 – air pump; 6 – generator of alternating current; 7 – the top directing roller; 8 – pump of the amplifier of steering; 9 – pump of cooling liquid
4. Put on a belt pulleys, since a tension roller of 1 (fig. 5.8) and further according to the numbering given on the scheme.
5. Weaken a tension roller turn of a key clockwise. Put on a belt completely.
6. Check the provision of a belt on pulleys.
7. Insert a fan casing ring, turn and record.
6-cylinder V-shaped engine (additional data)
1. Remove the fan with the viscous coupling.
2. Remove a fan casing.
3. Weaken a belt tension for what establish a face key of Torx on a bolt of a tension roller and turn counterclockwise.
4. Take off a belt.
Fig. 5.9. Installation of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units on the 6-cylinder V-shaped M112 engine: 1 – bent shaft; 2, 4 – the directing roller; 3 – pump of the amplifier of steering; 5 – generator; 6 – the pump cooling the liquid / fan; 7 – tension roller
5. Put on a belt pulleys, since a pulley of 1 (fig. 5.9) of a bent shaft and further according to the numbering given on the scheme.
6. Weaken a tension roller turn of a key clockwise. Put on a belt completely.
7. Check the provision of a belt on pulleys.
8. Establish a fan casing.
9. Install the fan with the viscous coupling.