6.1.5. Removal and installation of the engine
The engine is removed from the car together with the transmission from a motor compartment up. It is for this purpose necessary special lifting a traverse as at the lifted cowl it is not possible to take out the engine by means of the crane. Carrying out operations from below of the car will require also 4-rack-mount elevator or a viewing ditch.
Depending on date of issue and a complete set of the engine plaits of wires, fuel-supply lines, vacuum hoses, and also cooling system hoses in a motor compartment have various conducting. As in this manual all options of complete sets cannot be in detail considered, we suggest the removed details to mark with paint or labels that there were no difficulties at installation.
4-cylinder line engine
The order of performance of operations on removal and installation of the 6-cylinder line engine is similar brought for 4-cylinder.
1. Establish a cowl in vertical position for what open a cowl, press it and hold in this situation. Press the lock lever with the inscription "PRESS" about the right hinge and release a cowl. Gas-filled shock-absorbers will bring it into vertical position.
2. Remove a casing of a motor compartment from below.
For release models with 06.1995 on 06.1996 g equipped with the conditioner:
3. Remove the viscous coupling of the fan of the cooling system. At the same time it is necessary to consider that details of fastening have the left carving.
For all models:
4. Merge cooling liquid and remove a radiator.
On the cars equipped with the conditioner it is necessary to protect after removal of a radiator the condenser a plate 400 x 680 x 1 mm which can be made independently of a tin and to fix by fixing brackets.
5. Disconnect the contact socket from the measuring instrument of a mass consumption of air.
6. Take out a cross pipe together with the top cover of the air filter and the measuring instrument of a mass consumption of air.
7. Disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the rechargeable battery.
At the same time from memory of electronic devices codes of anticreeping system, the radio tape recorder, radio are erased. Subsequently they need to be restored.
8. Uncover the control unit.
9. Disconnect the contact socket of the control unit, having lifted clips up.
10. Disconnect the socket of protection against the arising tension peaks.
11. Disconnect wires from the generator.
12. Disconnect the contact socket of the sensor of concentration of oxygen.
13. Disconnect the tire "weights" from the engine.
For cars with the automatic transmission (AT):
14. Disconnect the contact socket in a motor compartment ahead at the left. At the same time it is necessary to turn off fastening and to raise a tank with liquid for washing of glasses.
For all models:
15. Disconnect outside of a body the wire connected to the contact "30" located in a niche for the driver's legs.
16. Disconnect fastening of a wire of 1 (fig. 5.10) of "weight" connecting a body to the engine.
For models with the conditioner:
17. Disconnect the contact socket from the compressor.
For all models:
18. If the transmission is disconnected from the engine, remove a starter.
19. Disconnect a vacuum hose from the absorber valve.
20. Disconnect draft of an accelerator.
21. Open for a short time a cover of the fuel tank to dump the excessive pressure of vapors of fuel.
In view of danger of ignition do not use naked flame, the warmed objects, you do not smoke. Vapors of gasoline are poisonous therefore provide good ventilation of your workplace. Use goggles as the fuel system is under pressure. At a detachment of its elements there can be a fuel emission.
22. Mark fuel-supply lines by means of labels or an adhesive tape and disconnect them, previously having muffled openings and having pressed hoses collars against a fuel effluence. Remove the flowed-out fuel with a rag.
23. Disconnect vacuum pipelines from an inlet collector, having turned off cap nuts.
24. Pump out by means of the syringe 1 working liquid from a tank of the hydraulic booster of steering (fig. 5.11) then disconnect hoses, having muffled openings technological traffic jams.
Fig. 5.12. Detachment of hoses of the hydraulic booster of steering: 1 – returnable hose; 2, 3 – a hose of high pressure; 4 – the soaking-up oil pipeline
25. Disconnect a returnable hose of 1 (fig. 5.12) and a hose 2 high pressures from the pump of the hydraulic booster.
For cars with regulation of a road gleam:
26. Disconnect an additional hose 3 high pressures and the soaking-up oil pipeline 4, previously having weakened fastening of collars and having shifted them.
For all models:
27. Disconnect cooling system hoses from a head of cylinders behind and from the pump of cooling liquid, before it weaken an inhaling of collars and shift them.
Do not open air conditioning system contour — hit of coolant on skin can cause a local frostbite.
For models with the conditioner:
28. Turn off bolts (fig. 5.13, shooters) fastenings of the compressor 1 then, without disconnecting hoses, suspend it to a body by means of a wire.
For all models:
29. Merge cooling liquid from the block of cylinders in the corresponding capacity, having turned off a stopper of a drain opening. After discharge wrap a stopper.
30. Disconnect from the transmission of draft of management.
31. Disconnect the pipeline from the working cylinder of coupling (fig. 5.14).
32. Remove system of production of the fulfilled gases.
33. Disconnect the driveshaft from the transmission.
34. Remove a back cross beam of 1 (fig. 5.15) of the power unit together with a support.
35. Turn off bolts of fastening of support of the engine to a body and a cross beam of a forward suspension bracket.
36. If the transmission is disconnected from the engine, turn off the lower bolts of fastening of the transmission to the engine.
37. Hook on slings of the load-lifting mechanism for eyes of the engine and raise the power unit so that cables stretched.
38. Turn off the top bolts of fastening of the transmission to the engine.
39. Wring out by means of mount the engine from the transmission and lift up. Provide inclined position of the power unit at an angle no more than 45 ° (fig. 5.16).
When raising the power unit you watch to damaging a body. Pay special attention to a back eye and an oil filter.
40. Remove the engine from the car, disconnect the transmission.
Check of a technical condition of details
Track that on rubber support of the power unit, hoses of cooling liquid, pipelines there were no cracks and gaps.
The ball bearing located in cranked to a shaft has to rotate easily and without jammings.
Make sure that the bearing of switching off of coupling rotates easily and has no jammings at axial movement.
Check thickness of frictional overlays of the conducted clutch plate.
41. Connect the transmission to the engine if it was removed.
42. Install the power unit in a motor compartment at the top, having tracked that when lowering details of the power unit and a body were not damaged.
43. Connect the transmission to an intermediate flange of the engine, having wrapped fastening bolts the moments: M10 x 40–55 N · m, M10 x 45–55 N · m, M10 x 90–45 N · m.
44. Connect a wire of 1 "weight" (fig. 5.10).
45. Establish bolts of forward support of the power unit and tighten them by hand.
46. Wrap bolts of fastening of a back support the next moments:
– bolts of 2 (fig. 5.15):
on engines of series 111 and 104 - 25 N · m;
on the series 112 engine – 30 N · m;
– bolts 3 fastenings of a back cross-piece to a body – 40 N · m;
– bolts and nuts of fastening of a back support to the transmission – 40 N · m;
47. Wrap bolts of fastening of a forward support the next moments:
– fastening bolts to a beam of a forward suspension bracket:
on engines of series 111 and 104 - 55 N · m;
on the series 112 engine – 35 N · m;
– fastening bolts to the engine block:
on engines of series 111 and 104 - 25 N · m;
on the series 112 engine – 20 N · m;
– a bolt of fastening of the heat-shielding screen – 10 N · m;
48. Connect the driveshaft to the transmission.
49. Establish a starter (if the engine was removed without transmission).
50. Connect the wire of "weight" going from a body to the engine.
51. Connect the transmission to the mechanism of management.
52. Connect the working cylinder of coupling with the pipeline then remove air from a coupling hydraulic actuator.
53. Establish details of system of production of the fulfilled gases.
For models with the conditioner:
54. Install the compressor 1 (see fig. 5.13), having wrapped fastening bolts the moment of 25 N · m, also remove a protective plate for the condenser.
For all models:
55. Establish a belt of the drive of auxiliary units.
56. Establish a radiator.
57. Establish hoses of the cooling system and reliably fix them by collars.
For release models with 06.1995 on 06.1996 g equipped with the conditioner:
58. Install the viscous coupling of the fan of the cooling system. At the same time it is necessary to consider that details of fastening have the left carving.
For all models:
59. Establish from below a guard of a motor compartment.
60. Lower the car.
61. Attach a returnable hose 1 (see fig. 5.12) and a hose 2 high pressures to the pump of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism.
For cars with regulation of a road gleam:
62. In addition to the previous operation — connect a hose 3 high pressures and the soaking-up oil pipeline 4.
For all models:
63. Connect fuel-supply lines.
64. Connect vacuum hoses to the engine.
65. Establish a control unit box cover.
For models with AKP:
66. Connect pipelines to the block of valves.
For all models:
67. Put on a vacuum hose the absorber valve.
68. Establish a cross branch pipe of the air filter, the sensor of a mass consumption of air and the top part of the air filter.
69. Connect the contact socket to the sensor of a mass consumption of air.
70. Check the level of brake fluid in a tank, if necessary fill its volume to norm and remove air from the brake system.
71. Fill in working liquid in a tank of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism and remove air from system.
72. Fill in cooling liquid in a broad tank of the cooling system.
73. Check oil level in the engine and the transmission, if necessary fill its volume.
74. Connect a wire to the negative plug of the rechargeable battery.
75. Launch the engine and warm up it up to the working temperature, check the level of cooling liquid in the cooling system, and also tightness of hose connections.
76. Close a cowl, having pressed the lever about the right hinge of a cowl.
77. Adjust hours.
78. Enter codes of anticreeping system and the radio tape recorder.
79. Consider possible codes of malfunctions of the engine and eliminate these malfunctions.