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6.2. Lubrication system

Oil circulation
Oil pressure
Engine oil
Ventilation of a case of the engine
Consumption of engine oil
Oil level control system
Check of a condition of oil in the engine
Replacement of oil and oil filter
Possible malfunctions of the lubrication system, their reason and ways of elimination

Without sufficient lubricant the engine stops work within several minutes. The thinnest oil film protects from the destroying friction dynamic communications and mechanisms of the engine, for example pistons and piston fingers, the working surfaces of cylinders, rods and radical bearings of a bent shaft, detail of the gas-distributing mechanism.
For ensuring constant existence of an oil film in the contacting details oil at the working engine circulates on pipelines and channels. The oil pump takes away oil from the oil pallet and distributes on channels of lubricant system to places of lubricant. For cleaning engine oil passes through an oil filter which clears it of products of wear and other foreign particulates. Cleaning is made until a microscopic time of an oil filter is not completely littered with wear products.
At obstruction of the filter the safety valve which with a certain pressure opens the auxiliary channel of circulation begins to work. Not filtered oil first of all causes bystry wear of bearings. From the filter lubricant on openings in the block of cylinders gets to bearings of a bent shaft, rod and the valvate mechanism in a head of cylinders. Because of inclined position of the engine it can from the lowest place of a head of cylinders through an opening without additional heating flow down in an oil bathtub. Walls of cylinders and piston fingers are oiled, getting through rods.
Other important function of oil is heat removal from the greased surfaces. The bottoms of pistons from below are sprinkled by oil which moves not for lubricant, and for cooling.