6.4.3. System of ignition
In system of ignition of petrol engines there are no mobile, worn-out details therefore the term of its operation and reliability are considerable. For improvement of starting qualities of the engine the ignition spark on the cold engine is developed several times during a working step. In memory of the electronic block the characteristic of ignition according to which the optimum angle of an advancing of ignition is defined is put. On the 4-cylinder engine there is one, and on 8-cylinder — two sensors of a detonation. At the beginning of detonation combustion the control unit sends a signal to change of a corner of an advancing of ignition towards "delay". As a result of operation of engines without detonation combustion service life of details considerably raises.
Removal and installation of coils of ignition
4-and 6-cylinder line engines
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Remove a cross branch pipe of the air filter.
3. Uncover 1 (fig. 5.38) of spark plugs.
The drawing corresponds to the 6-cylinder line engine.
4. Disconnect from coils 3 ignitions contact sockets.
5. Disconnect contact sockets of 2 wires of high voltage.
In fig. 5.39 the socket 3 coils 4 ignitions connect to a spark plug. The socket 1 connects to a spark plug by means of a wire of high voltage. The directing pin 2 connects the ignition coil to "weight".
Fig. 5.40. Scheme of connections of coils of ignition of the 6-cylinder line engine. Figures designated tips of spark plugs from 1 to the 6th cylinders; In – wires
The scheme of connection of coils of ignition with spark plugs for the 6-cylinder line engine is provided on fig. 5.40.
6. Take out ignition coils the movement up.
7. Install ignition coils on former places and connect wires according to fig. 5.40.
8. Establish into place a cover of spark plugs.
9. Establish a cross branch pipe of the air filter.
V6 engine
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Remove the sensor of a mass consumption of air together with an inlet pipe.
Fig. 5.41. Removal of the coil of ignition on the V6 engine: 1, 3 – the contact socket; 2 – screw; 4 – assembly situation; 5 – ignition coil; 6 – spark plug
Disconnect both contact sockets of wires of high voltage from the coil 5 (fig. 5.41) of ignition.
Pay attention to the assembly situation 4 designated on the coil of ignition and on the engine. Tips of spark plugs have marks as on each cylinder — on two spark plugs. The contact and socket on the coil of ignition has to be connected to a tip "To" a spark plug. The b socket – with a tip of "G" of a spark plug.
4. Disconnect the contact socket 3 from the ignition coil.
5. Unscrew the screw 2 and remove the ignition coil.
6. Install the coil of ignition and wrap the screw 2.
7. Connect the contact socket 1.
8. Connect contact sockets 1 to the ignition coil.
Do not mix contact sockets, they have tags. The and socket on the coil of ignition connects to a tip "To" spark plugs, the b socket – with a tip of "G" of a spark plug.
9. Install the sensor of a mass consumption of air with an inlet pipe.
V8 engine
1. Switch off ignition.
Fig. 5.42. Removal of the coil of ignition on the V8 engine: 1 – cover; 2 – fastening detail; 3 – ignition coil; 4 – spark plug
2. Turn off bolts of fastening and uncover 1 (fig. 5.42) the engine.
3. Disconnect sideways from each coil of ignition contact sockets.
4. Turn off the bolts fixing a detail 2.
5. Remove the movement coils 3 ignitions from spark plugs 4 up.
6. Install coils 3 ignitions on candles 4 ignitions.
7. Wrap bolts of fastening of a detail 2.
8. Connect contact sockets to each coil.
9. Fix covers 1 on the engine.