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6.4. Control systems of the engine

Security measures at work with a control system of the engine
Work of a control system of the engine
System of ignition
System of injection of fuel
Possible malfunctions of system of injection, their reason and ways of elimination

On petrol engines the following control systems are installed:
4-and 6-cylinder line HFM engines;
V6 Motronic ME 2.0 engines;
V8 4,2 engines of l Motronic ME 1.0;
HFM l V8 5,0 engines.

Fig. 5.36. Elements of system of electronic control of HFM: 1 – coil of ignition of the 2 and 3 cylinders; 2 – nozzle; 3 – coil of ignition of the 1 and 4 cylinders; 4 – executive body of adjustment of idling; 5 – the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air; 6 – detonation sensor; 7 – sensor of provision of a bent shaft; 8 – sensor of position of the camshaft; 9 – Hall's sensor; 10 – sensor of temperature of cooling liquid

On the petrol engines equipped with system of injection, the fuel-air mix getting to the combustion chamber has an exact dosage depending on service conditions that provides small fuel consumption in difference from carburetor engines. Owing to dispensing of fuel and use of adjustable catalytic converter the content of harmful substances in the fulfilled gases decreases. The self-diagnostics of a control system having memory provides bystry search of malfunctions by reading of codes of malfunctions. The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) determines by the engine the optimum moment of injection of fuel and its quantity. EBU is in continuous interaction with other electronic devices of the car, for example with the control unit of the automatic transmission. The elements of a control system of the engine shown in fig. 5.36 keep the working capacity during all term of operation of the car and do not demand additional maintenance.
Works on diagnostics and repair of a control system of the engine demand special devices therefore they should be seen off in auto repair shops.