6.6. System of production of the fulfilled gases
The system of production of the fulfilled gases is intended for decrease in content of harmful substances and noise at an exit of the fulfilled gases and their emission in the atmosphere.
The system of production of the fulfilled gases consists of a reception pipe with the built-in catalytic converter and an exhaust pipe with the resonator and the muffler.
On V6 and V8 engines reception pipes from both heads of cylinders connect to an exhaust pipe. Repair of system of release is carried out by means of replacement of its separate details and knots.
Nuts of fastening of details and consolidation should be replaced new. Surely check technical condition of details of a suspension bracket of system of release.
Fig. 5.53. System of production of the fulfilled gases of the 6-cylinder engine: 1 – wire of connection with the sensor of concentration of oxygen; 2 – rubber details of a suspension bracket; 3 – an exhaust pipe with average and back mufflers; 4 – consolidation detail; 5 – catalytic converter; 6 – details of fastening of a reception pipe
Fig. 5.54. System of production of the fulfilled gases of V6 and V8 engines: 1 – arm; 2 – consolidation detail; 3 – rubber detail of a suspension bracket; 4 – an exhaust pipe with average and back mufflers; 5 – catalytic converter; 6 – details of fastening of a reception pipe