7.2.5. Check of wear of details of coupling
As wear of coupling does not influence the size of a free wheeling of a pedal, its inspection should be carried out on STOA during scheduled works by means of the special calibration tool.
Fig. 10.2. Bolts of fastening (arrow) of the top upholstery of the dashboard in space for legs of the forward passenger
Press the rod of the working cylinder has various diameter between the piston and the lever of switching off of coupling. Depending on rod exit size from a flange of the working cylinder diameter of a rod changes, and degree of wear of overlays of the conducted clutch plate is defined on this or that length by penetration of caliber. The caliber can be made independently of a steel plate 0,6-0,8 mm thick and (fig. 10.2) 15 mm wide. If tags of caliber are not visible behind a flange of the working cylinder, then wear of the conducted clutch plate is insignificant.
1. Install the car on supports and remove the lower protection of the engine.
Fig. 6.2. Check of wear of coupling: 1 – working cylinder of coupling; 2 – cylinder flange; 3 – the rod conducting to the coupling switching off lever; 4 – test caliber
2. Insert test caliber of 4 (fig. 6.2) into a groove before a flange of the working cylinder against the stop.
3. If tags (are shown by shooters) at the edges of F caliber are visible, wear of slips is close to limit, that is from initial 3,8 mm there were about 2 mm, further coupling will begin to slip. If tags of caliber are not visible behind a flange of the working cylinder — the conducted clutch plate is serviceable.