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7.2.6. Visual check of a hydraulic actuator of coupling

If coupling is switched off regularly and does not conduct, so a coupling hydraulic actuator as it should be. If, on the contrary, it is switched off badly, conducts or the pedal fails, without showing resistance, perhaps, the hydraulic system became depressurized, and air got to it. In this case it is necessary to reveal and repair the place of depressurization independently or to address on STOA.


Fig. 6.3. Visual check of a hydraulic actuator of coupling. The arrow specified the place of potek of brake fluid

1. Examine the main cylinder (behind a coupling pedal) and the working cylinder (on the transmission) on existence of traces of a leak of brake fluid. Such traces on the working cylinder (shooter) (fig. 6.3) indicate malfunction of system of a hydraulic actuator.
2. At detection of potek of brake fluid on the working cylinder carefully wipe them later to define an origin. After a trip find out from where liquid follows.
3. If cylinders of a hydraulic actuator of coupling are untight, they are subject to replacement.