7.3.1. Adjustment of the mechanism of switching
If gear shifting is complicated, its mechanism can be adjusted with the assistant. Before work check whether details of the mechanism are deformed and whether plugs of bearings are worn-out. On STOA for adjustment use special adaptation which is installed on a shaft of management of gear shifting.
Principle of work of a mechanical box of gear shifting
Fig. 6.4. A five-step mechanical box of gear shifting in a section: 1 – two-mass flywheel; 2 – the conducted disk; 3 – press clutch plate; 4 – coupling switching off bearing; 5 – forward cover of a mechanical box of gear shifting; 6 – case of a mechanical box of gear shifting; 7 – back cover of a mechanical box of gear shifting; 8 – flange of an output shaft; 9 – secondary shaft; 10 – main shaft
The torque from the engine is transmitted through the conducted disk 2 (fig. 6.4) on a main shaft 10 of a box of gear shifting. On it gear wheels of forward transfers and a gear wheel of transfer of a backing are located. These gear wheels are in gearing with the gear wheels located on secondary to a shaft 9. The gear wheel of a backing enters gearing through an intermediate gear wheel which changes the direction of rotation to opposite.
Gear wheels and shaft.
If transfer is not included in general, gear wheels of a main shaft rotate, without transferring the moment. At transfer inclusion one of gear wheels of a main shaft connects to a gear wheel of a secondary shaft, and the torque with the corresponding transfer number is transferred to a secondary shaft of a box of gear shifting. The relation of number of teeths of couple of gear wheels also forms transfer number. All transfers are synchronized. Thanks to synchronizers the speeds of a shaft and a gear wheel which is on it to a shaft then the coupling of the synchronizer it is unaccented are leveled connects to a gear wheel. As a result of transfer join easily and silently. The rubbing elements, braking more quickly rotating details, provide combination of the contacting details. Synchronization happens during fractions of a second therefore at gear shifting it is important to translate the lever smoothly, with some endurance.
Throttling at operation of completely synchronized box of gear shifting usually is not required. Only at low temperatures and dense gearbox oil it can help upon transition to a low gear.
Transfers forward and backing.
The three first transfers of the forward course increase torque. the 4th, so-called direct transfer, transfers torque approximately in the ratio 1:1. On the 5th transfer the frequency of turns of the conducted shaft is higher than the frequency of turns of the engine. In order that the car could move a backing, there is an additional gear wheel which changes the direction of rotation of wheels to opposite. When you choose as the switching lever the necessary transfer, the movement of the lever through drafts (fig. 6.5) is transferred to the switching mechanism in the transmission.
1. Transfer the gear shifting lever to neutral situation.
2. Install the car on supports and remove the lower protection of the engine.
Fig. 6.6. Fixing of intermediate levers of a mechanical box of gear shifting by means of a drill (shooter) with a diameter of 5,9 mm
3. Fix intermediate levers (under a switching lever support), having inserted a drill with a diameter of 5,9 mm into openings of a support of the mechanism of switching and intermediate levers (rice 6.6). On STOA for this purpose apply the special fixing finger with a diameter of 5,9 mm.
Fig. 6.7. For adjustment of drafts it is necessary to weaken the bolts shown by shooters and to move drafts to the established situation
4. If length of each draft corresponds demanded, drafts without additional shift have to approach intermediate levers of the mechanism of switching. Otherwise weaken bolts (fig. 6.7, shooters) fastenings of thirsts for a box of gear shifting and move drafts to the established situation.
5. Transfer the switching lever on the transmission to neutral situation and in this situation tighten bolts.
6. Take out a drill and check gear shifting at the working engine.