7.7.3. Removal and installation of a shaft of the drive of a back wheel
1. Take off a protective cap from a wheel.
2. Turn off a 12-faced stupichny nut (SW 30) in the center of a wheel (fig. 6.20). As the stupichny nut drags on the high moment of an inhaling, it is recommended to ask to hold at its otvorachivaniye and tightening the assistant pressed a brake pedal.
3. Remove the left back part of system of production of the fulfilled gases.
4. Clear the thin screw-driver of dirt bolts with internal many-sided shliyets on differential and turn out them by means of the special tool (Hazet-Nr. XZN 990 Ig-10).
5. Shift the turned-off shaft of the drive and push off from a flange up. It is easier to make it at horizontal position of a shaft.
6. Outside pull together a shaft from a flange, perhaps, by means of easy blows. If the shaft sits in a flange very densely, it is necessary to use a stripper.
7. Whenever possible do not install the car on a wheel at removed to a drive shaft as as a result of lack of axial pressure the case of the stupichny bearing can be damaged.
Fig. 6.21. Before installation of a shaft of the drive of a back wheel clear connecting flanges of a shaft of the drive and differential
Fig. 6.22. Clear Shlitsevy connection before installation a metal brush and apply a little lubricant
8. Before installation clear a contact surface of a shaft from the inside of a connecting flange (fig. 6.21). If necessary remove the remains of the stopping funds from shliyets of a nave (fig. 6.22).
9. Establish new bolts with internal many-sided shliyets together with washers and tighten: with a diameter of carving of 10 mm — the moment of 70 N · m, with a diameter of 12 mm — the moment of 100 N · m.
10. Lower the car and wrap a new 12-faced nut. For the sedan the nut inhaling moment – 220 N · m, for the versatile person (T-model) – 320 N · m.
11. Stop a nut, having bent fillets in drive shaft grooves.