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7.7. Shaft of the drive of back wheels

Noise in shaft of the drive of back wheels
Check of a condition of antisplash covers of shaft of the drive of back wheels
Removal and installation of a shaft of the drive of a back wheel
Dismantling of a shaft of the drive and replacement of antisplash covers

The shaft of the drive of back wheels concluded in the general case enter the back leading bridge. They serve for torque transmission on wheels. At the movement of the car shaft make work together with elements of a suspension bracket and level the changing distance to wheels.

Fig. 6.19. A shaft of the drive of a back wheel in a section: 1 – a hinge ring from a wheel; 2, 5 – a collar of an antisplash cover of the hinge; 3 – shaft of the drive of a back wheel; 4 – antisplash cover; 6 – cover of an antisplash cover; 7 – a hinge ring from differential; 8 – hinge ball; 9 – lock ring; 10 – cover; 11 – hinge plug; 12 – hinge ball separator

The design of a shaft of the drive of a back wheel is shown in fig. 6.19.