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8.3.5. Check of antisplash covers and side play of tips of steering drafts

The hinge the helmsman of draft is between steering draft and the rotary lever on a rotary fist on the right and at the left. The steel head of the hinge is covered by the self-greased plastic insert, and the antisplash cover protects from dirt and moisture. Tips of steering drafts with the damaged covers or a side play should be replaced.


Fig. 7.6. Check of an antisplash cover of the hinge of steering draft: 1 – the self-stopped nut (in fig. it is turned already off); 2 – rotary fist; 3 – antisplash cover; 4 – tip of steering draft

1. Check antisplash covers of 3 (fig. 7.6) of hinges of steering drafts for existence of cracks.
2. Check whether the side play has the hinge. It is for this purpose better to use a viewing ditch.
3. Turn wheels in the relevant party, take the hinge a hand and ask the assistant to twist a steering wheel to the right-to the left (launch the engine for simplification of turns). If the side play is found, the hinge needs to be replaced.
4. Install the car in front on supports and undertake a hand steering draft. The strong swinging movements check a hinge side play. In the presence of a side play replace the hinge.
5. Similar inspections can be carried out on the internal hinge. Before it it is necessary to remove a cover from a gear lath. Existence of a side play of the internal hinge testifies to need of replacement of all steering draft.