8.3.9. Removal of forward shock-absorbers
1. In a motor compartment remove an antisplash cover (only for the right shock-absorber) and other elements for access to the top fastening of the shock-absorber.
2. Weaken the top fastening of the shock-absorber. After weakening of a lock-nut by means of two Rozhkov of keys it is possible to turn off the top fastening of the shock-absorber (fig. 7.9). On STOA for this purpose use a special head of SW 17 with the handle welded from above in which other key for deduction of a rod of the shock-absorber is installed. If necessary it is possible to make such key independently.
3. Remove the top cup and a rubber support.
4. Lift a forward part of the car and remove the corresponding wheel.
5. Weaken a fastening bolt on the lower cross lever.
6. Remove the shock-absorber.
7. At installation of the shock-absorber which is made in the return sequence use the new self-stopped nuts.
Fig. 7.10. The lower fastening on the lower cross lever tighten the moment 55 N · m. Use only the recommended shock-absorbers with the corresponding marking
8. The lower fastening on the lower cross lever tighten the moment 55 N · m (fig. 7.10).
9. Above wrap the first nut until it does not reach the remote plug then tighten its moment 15 N · m.
10. Zakontrite the first nut the top nut also tighten its moment 30 N · m, at the same time holding lower SW 17 key.