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8.3. Back suspension bracket

Running gear of T-model with a body the versatile person
Regulation of clearance
Check of installation of wheels
Check of a condition of shock-absorbers
Check of antisplash covers and side play of tips of steering drafts
Check of antisplash covers and side play of the spherical hinge
Check of a side play of the wheel bearing
Installation of a gap of the bearing of a forward nave
Removal of forward shock-absorbers
Check of the removed shock-absorbers
Removal of a spring of a suspension bracket of a forward wheel
Removal of the shock-absorber of a suspension bracket of a back wheel (without clearance regulator)
Removal of a spring of a back suspension bracket

Each back wheel goes five independent spatial levers. These levers allow only those movements of a wheel which do not worsen road performance. Having placed levers definitely, designers had ample opportunities for achievement of a compromise between high road performance and comfortableness. It is not so simple as at too soft control of a suspension bracket road performance because of manifestation of so-called effect of a podrulivaniye (comanaging) of back wheels worsens. And on the contrary, passengers always complain if the suspension bracket is too rigid.

Fig. 7.5. Back suspension bracket: 1 – disorder lever; 2 – shock-absorber; 3 – top support of a spring; 4 – spring; 5 – differential; 6 – stabilizer; 7 – diagonal lever; 8 – spring lever; 9 – driveshaft flange; 10 – stretcher of a back suspension bracket; 11 – the pushing lever

All details of a back suspension bracket are fixed on a wide stretcher of 10 (fig. 7.5) which is fixed on the body bottom on four big rubber support. In the middle to a stretcher the differential 5 fastens. All five levers (spring, pulling, pushing, disorder and diagonal) on both sides fasten through elastic connections to a stretcher and a suspension bracket of a wheel.
Advantages of a back suspension bracket with spatial levers:
1. Together with a forward suspension bracket on dual cross levers the road performance minimum dependent on influence of side, brake and driving forces are provided.
2. Though the suspension bracket has the big course, to its middle there are practically no side effects (expansion of a track or change of a corner of a convergence). Magnificent straightforwardness of the movement is as a result provided.
3. Negative value of disorder provides good indicators on side withdrawal of wheels. On all course of work of a suspension bracket the corner of disorder does not accept positive value.
4. For 60% the fluctuations of a back part of a body arising during the braking and acceleration are leveled. Thanks to it she does not rise when braking and does not sink at acceleration.
5. Thanks to three-stage isolation with use of elastic rubber elements between wheels and a body in salon noise of a running gear are almost not heard.
6. Reactions to change of loading are reduced. For example, at sudden dumping of "gas" in turn resistance is shown to reduction of radius of passing of turn.
7. Installation of wheels is regulated thanks to adjustable levers.