8.4.1. Hydraulic booster of steering
The hydraulic amplifier has steering. It helps to reduce efforts on a steering wheel at turns. The hydraulic booster consists of the oil pump, a tank with working liquid and oil pipelines. The oil pump is put in action by the engine driveshaft through maple a belt. The pump pumps working liquid from a tank and gives it under high pressure to the steering mechanism. The adjusting block provides necessary strengthening of steering. Depending on model and a complete set work of system of the hydraulic booster is connected with the speed of the movement (parametrical management). On the standing or slowly moving car thanks to the electronic regulator the maximum support — efforts on a wheel is provided at turns small. With increase in speed up to 100 km/h support respectively decreases, over this limit steering acts as well as on the car without hydraulic booster. Reduction of function of the hydraulic booster at high speeds of the movement provides the best contact with the road and more high definition of management. The electronic system of parametrical management is in the operating block of systems of trekshn-control (ETS, ASR, ESO).
Gear and rack transfer of steering has to move freely from one extreme situation to another and not have a side play. The system does not demand service. Nevertheless it is regularly necessary to check a condition of protective cuffs and level of working liquid in a tank of the hydraulic booster.
Independent repair of the hydraulic booster
Repair of the hydraulic booster of steering — a task of experts of STOA. For this purpose they have the diagnostic equipment corresponding to models of cars with exact codes and special technologies. Only thus it is possible to avoid failure of electronic system and, as a result, expensive repair. Therefore repairs of the hydraulic booster should be made surely on STOA. At incorrect elimination of malfunctions the hydraulic booster can fail when driving