8.4.3. Check of level of working liquid of the hydraulic booster
The stopper of a tank of the hydraulic booster has the measuring probe with a scale. It is necessary to carry out an inspection of level of working liquid in a tank of the hydraulic booster also often, as well as check of level of engine oil.
1. Open a stopper of a tank and take out it together with the probe.
Fig. 7.15. At a temperature of working liquid about +20 °C its level has to be between two marks in the probe
2. Level of working liquid of the hydraulic booster (at air temperature about +20 °C) has to be between the marks "MIN" and "MAX" in the probe (fig. 7.15).
3. If necessary add working liquid for the steering mechanism (Mercedes-Benz 000 969 88 03). Use only new liquid as even the minimum pollution can result in malfunction of a hydraulic actuator.
4. Establish back a stopper with the probe and wrap it.
5. In conclusion remove air from system of the hydraulic booster, having turned several times a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop at the working engine.