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8.5.6. Check of a condition of tires

Forward wheels perform driving function, and also experience big strain when braking. Therefore their tires wear out quicker. It is more convenient to check a condition of tires on the lifted car.

1. Turn completely each wheel. Carefully remove from protector flutes with the screw-driver stones and other foreign objects. If in the tire glass or a nail, perhaps is revealed, in this place there is an air.
2. Examine tires regarding possible damages of a protector (traces of blows, cuts, cracks or the broken-out pieces). At the damaged rubber moisture easily can get in the tire. Outside it is impossible to define whether there is a corrosion of the stabilizing metal cord. For bigger reliability entrust check of tires to the expert. Same it is necessary to make in cases of the increased wear.
3. Protector depth on all surface of the tire has to be not less than 1,6 mm. On some brands of tires in several places there is a special indicator of wear. The letters "twi" (tread wear indicator) on a sidewall of the tire indicate location of these indicators. Controllability of the car worsens with wear of tires, especially on the wet road. For reasons of safety it is recommended to replace summer tires with a depth of protector of 2 mm, winter — at 4 mm.
4. Check uniformity of wear of all tires.
5. Examine attentively sidewalls of tires. Hernias and ledges demonstrate damage of an internal design of the tire.