9.12. Adjustment of the parking brake
If the pedal of the parking brake falls more than by five provisions (clicks) and at the same time does not provide sufficient blocking, adjustment is necessary. Adjustment is carried out by means of an adjusting gear wheel of the adjusting mechanism of brake shoes. Brake shoes of the parking brake are in brake drums.
1. Lift the car so that both back wheels were hung out. Fix the car.
2. On both back wheels turn off on one wheel bolt (if wheels light-alloy, then remove them completely).
Fig. 8.23. It is so possible to get access to an adjusting gear wheel of the brake mechanism at the wheel established on the car (1). Turn out a wheel bolt. The arrow showed the direction of the movement of the car
3. Turn a wheel so that the opening from the removed bolt of fastening settled down at an angle 45 ° to a horizontal axis of a wheel up, towards a back part of the car (fig. 8.23.) Now by means of the screw-driver (width of 4-5 mm) it is possible to get access to an adjusting gear wheel.
Fig. 8.24. Having inserted the screw-driver into an opening of a wheel bolt, turn an adjusting gear wheel of the adjusting mechanism before blocking of a brake disk. Then turn a gear wheel in the opposite direction until a free wheeling of a brake disk
4. Release the parking brake and turn the screw-driver an adjusting gear wheel until the back wheel does not cease to rotate. Then turn off an adjusting gear wheel back on 5–6 teeth (fig. 8.24). For an otvorachivaniye on the left side of the car it is necessary to rotate in the direction from top to down, and from right — from below up.
5. Several times press a pedal of the parking brake and pay attention to course length.
6. Check an unblocking of back wheels and if necessary repeat adjustment.